OW still has hope it's more fun than HALO

What made OW a hit in 2016-2018 was the dynamism of the game, the charisma of the characters, the responsiveness of the movement of the toons and the fluidity of the engine, even computers from 3 years ago run 1080 / 144hz without problems. .

HALO-INFINITE being a direct competitor to OW is an arena-shooter, not as much fun as OW does. If the devs go to work and rebuild the course, OW is still hopeful.

What the dev-team must do URGENTly are

1.- Create a battle-pass to motivate players to play daily. Based on WINS exclusively.

2.- Removing the play to counter in the game is urgent that this mechanic disappears since it is the reason why many of us do not play. We need a game based on 100% Skills, not RnG

3.- Get the graphic update from OW2 to 1, release 3 tanks, 3 supports, 3 DPS and 3 new free maps to revive the game.

4.- Reduce the STUN / CC in the game and balance well the characters with a lot of mobility.

OW still have hope because it is much more fun than HALO-INFINITE but a change of mind-set is necessary. They cannot continue with that route or no matter how fun their game is, it will end “dead”.


Halo Infinite is solid and doesn’t have awful queue times, broken ultimate’s.

Also they released Multiplayer early, 343 is awesome.


I dont think halo and overwatch are in direct competition, plus its a bit unfair to compare a game in beta to a game thats been out for years. But anyway this is just an opinion, personally im having tons of fun playing Halo that I havent had in Overwatch for years.


in the old halos (xbox live days) i use to love to ram people with the Ghost. tried that recently but all i do is get myself killed. guess i aint what i use to be

I make the prediction in 3 weeks HALO-INFINITE will be dead and I tell you the reasons

1.- His characters do not have “charisma” is the same character with a different colored armor. What made OW / APEX so famous is their “endearing” characters in 30 years you will still remember Mercy, Winston or Tracer. Sorry in 30 years you will not remember your character in HALO-INFINITTE

2.- The character’s mobility feels slow, clumsy, irresponsive. You can’t do strafes a la Mccree. Can’t do athletic sweeps like in apex legends

3.- Its game modes are compliant with the “Classic” game but it lacks action, dynamism, momemtums, the game feels super monotonous and boring. Only in 12x12 mode can it “almost match what happens in OW”

4.- Its presentation of the menus, it is terrible, it seems like an indie AA game from 2007. Only its soundtrack is saved.

For HALO to save something, it would be necessary to improve the animations, improve the graphics, add game modes and change the movement of the characters. Which requires a lot of money and effort, nothing will change in 3 weeks, do not dream. Maybe in 1 year something would be achieved and it will be too late because people will leave after 4 weeks.


Why do you like battle passes? It’s such a garbage modern mechanic


I’ve never liked battle passes. But in the current state of OW where you enter and 90% of the games in quick-play you find people without “motivation” “desire” to play just afking, throwing, trolling. It is urgent to have one

Having a battle pass forcing you to WIN games in quick-play / Competitive to get the points and get the cosmetics would make people try more, it would also give us a MOTIVATION and a REASON to log in to play.

OW urgently needs to be MODERNIZED and if that implies adding mechanics from other games even if you don’t like it.

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i wanna play halo infinite so bad but my computer is terrible and it keeps crashing lmao


Bad idea flat out

Let’s add this thing that sucks so that the degenerates will stay? It’s a bad idea

This is a troll right? Master chief has been a gaming icon since his debut .


Battle passes are necessary for a stream of content. Id love a battle pass in overwatch.


Remove the DLC from the HD Textures by right clicking on the HALO properties. With that, maybe it opens the game for you. HALO has poor optimization and I playing it in 1440p / 120HZ on my PC “ultra-settings” does not have even 50% of the graphic quality GEARS 5 or Battlefield 5

Try the game and see if you have as much fun as OW

A buddy and I once cleared out a whole lobby by grabbing the quads and running people down while beeping the horn incessantly. Everyone left.

Halo truly is a masterpiece in it’s own way.


This^ halo is arena style shooter, where each character is the same (except for the weapon they choose to yield).

OW is moba style(ish) shooter where each character has different weapons and abilities and many of the maps are essentially corridors.

everyone out here thinking that as soon as any game that isn’t OW does something, OW is “dead for good” lol.

Last week it was “wow blizz, LoL creators over here releasing this show Arcane, OW is doomed, why doesn’t it have a story like this?” and it’s like wow you guys are comparing a TV SHOW to a video game, think a little harder about this lol

We are forgetting that in 2 days the real overwatch killer is coming out. Pokemon diamond and pearl remakes. How could blizzard ever hope to compete.


So you prefer that OW continue without having “updates” and NOBODY plays with “motivation” is that the kind of game you want to have? ZOMBIES in quickplay that let themselves be killed and leave the game every 3 minutes?

The battlepass is one of the reasons why people do not leave fornite, apex, CoD because you have to GO to get the items every season and it forces you to WIN to get them. The “ARENAS” of quickplay people play you DIE. Quite the opposite of OW / Quickplay-arcade they are practically ZOMBIES. The players that you have there dragging their feet because they have no motivation to “win”

Bad idea is keeping the game on the SAME-STAKE

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lolololol nice :rofl:

These two games are definitely not direct competitors.

Bro i’ve done nothing but play Halo since it came out and thank god it did! The most fun i’ve had in 3 years easy.


Master-CHIEF is a character from the MAIN-CAMPAING not from the multiplayer. Your TOON on the multiplayer is a GENERIC-SOLDIER without personality, own voice, own features is like the same model with different colors for everyone… Tracer, winston, brigitta, mercy are characters u will REMIND all your life.

Both games are ARENA-SHOOTERS and HALO is the most direct rival OW had in years because the same type of players enjoy OW will to to try halo-infinite.

That is why the ARENAS in apex legends burried OW into the grave. Cuz people prefered a Pure-Skills based game than the RnG ow gives to you, plus APEX characters have charisma and personality. So yes Halo is a direct competitor for OW cuz is the kind of players will go try that

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