Ow : origins skins missing!

I have the same problem. i hope blizzard fixes this

Also im missin the oni and dva police skin. Whats funny is that i have the oni emblem…

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same here none of my Origins skins come when i merged my account, sad

I don’t have my origins skins or my Halloween skin for season 1

i paid for origins edition a long time ago when i bought the game, now i dont own either the soldier golden gun which i 100% had and i have no origins skins but everything else is normal… my id is otome#21269 blizzard pls give me my stuff back

me too, theyre on my ps4 where i originally got the game but missing on my pc (theyre the same acc)

Oh don’t worry, I never planned to buy it! I was just saying that if I was desperate for the skins again, the fact I would have to buy them for £35 is ridiculous.

Same for me I had legendary edition on PS4 and when i merged it to my pc i don’t have only origin skins (i bought overwatch 1 on pc too but normal edition)

I dont have my origins skins too pls fixe that

Whether its DLC or the game, they still have a license.
I’m pretty sure that the Origins skins are tied to the platform account (Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo) rather than the Battle.net account.
A way that we could check this is if someone bought Origins on PC and bought the base game on a console before OW2 came out. If the skins currently don’t appear in OW2 on console, it’s 100% a licensing issue.
And if I’m being honest, I don’t think we’ll have access to those skins on PC without buying them through the in-game store. The only chance I see is between Microsoft and Blizzard, because of the buyout.

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Found something else talking about the same thing

Like I mentioned earlier, Rockstar did a similar thing ages ago (2014, nearly 2 years before Overwatch released) as I mentioned in that post. There were no issues. It still works to this day, mind you PS3 and XBOX 360 are a 16-17 year old systems. It’s alarming how Blizzard didn’t think of this and can’t implement it on much newer systems.

Plus, I think this would only be the case for PS4 because the Origins Edition’s content for XBOX ONE had to be claimed on the blizzard site, only Widow skin was tied to the XBL store.

i missing Illidan Genji and Tyrande Symmetra skins " and original " (Since October 4, I have been facing problems and there is no solution)

So we’re really not going to get any official comment on this? It’s a feature, not a bug?

Same, my origins skins are missing and I’m really hoping that I can get them back somehow. Blizzard, pls fix.

I have also experienced the same thing. I got the origin skins I paid for on my Xbox one. When I merged the account with my pc blizzard account the game said that I don’t own the skins. This needs to obviously to be clarified by blizzard on why this is happening or
fix the issue.

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I’m in the same boat: I linked my Microsoft and Blizzard accounts and I got all my cosmetics back. However after one of the recent updates all my Origins skins have been locked and unable to use. Confusing stuff, hope this gets resolved soon.

Still have the same issue. Still missing Origins skins and Noire Widowmaker.

Merged my account. Bought Overwatch on console. Came to PC. Don’t have the above skins.

Same issue here. Hopefully they might do something to fix this because I’m not paying $40 for skins I already had.

i don’t have my overwatch skin origin to the solider 76