Ow : origins skins missing!

Yep, same here. My skins for Tracer, Soldier, Bastion and Widow are gone

My skins are also missing.

do you only have slipstream missing? but not the other origin ones?

I bought the watchpoint pack for pc, merged to ps4/5 and it never did make it onto console, so no itā€™s not about them wanting you to buy watchpoint because even thatā€™s fkn bugged.

I find it disappointing that one of the most advertised features of the game (getting to keep all your old stuff) is still pretty much broken nearly a month into the gameā€™s launch.
Literally all the skins Iā€™m missing are Origins skins, the only ones that I paid actual money for 5 years ago.
I know itā€™s not the biggest deal with everything going on right now, but it still ticks me off a little.

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Yep same here. Its been almost a month.

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Same here, transferred from PlayStation and the origins skins are missing, itā€™s just inexcusable.

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Same for me, the skins are only on my Xbox and PS but not on my pc.

Same, missing Origin skins and pre-order Widow Noire after merging. Was really looking forward to having the latter back too. :cry:

Same problem, no idea how to submit a ticket for this issue either, it always just leads me straight to forums.

Same on me. I own the origin edition on Xbox with the noir skin. But now after merging it with my PC Account i can not acces them on PC anymore.

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same thing here but Iā€™ve seen people with there overgrown bastion still and that just pisses me off even more like why do they have it and I donā€™t it makes no scene


My issue is u have those skins but certain other skins are locked specifically the officer D.va skin and i think some i have to buy while otherā€™s they are tied to a event and they are locked even tho i alredy unlocked them from a event on playstation btw

I also have the same problem my overgrown bastion is gone and other skins are missing I cant check my xbox it broke but i know i have those skins they were my favorite

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I am also missing these skins, are there any plans on giving them back? Not making them available for purchase since I already spent money buying the Origins edition of the game way back when

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Still have the same problem, did anyone find a fix for it? I merged and everything but no Origins skins are on my PC, only on my PlayStation account. Really wanted to play with some of these since I had to sell my consoleā€¦


Iā€™m still having this issue, still not resolved.

The thing is that Origins Edition is not DLC its just literally the game.

I have a friend who has never played overwatch 1 before who owns the skins. I preordered the game and got the origin skins as well as the Widow Noire skin. However, it seems like he only has the origins edition skins. I thought i might have linked the wrong account but all of my other skins from ps4 transferred to my pc account. Has there been any fixes in any other threads that cover a similar issue as this thread?

same problem here no origins skins