So - I purchased Overwatch: Origins Edition on console around 4 years ago and always had the Blizzard exclusive skins that come with buying that version of the game, this was on an XBOX and I had these skins right up until the release of OW2.
I merged the console account that had the skins on them with my BattleNet account. Now - on OW2 - my merged account that should have all combined cosmetics of both of those 2 accounts put together doesn’t have ANY of the special Blizzard Overwatch Origins skins (e.g Slipstream Tracer, Overgrown Bastion, etc).
Surely I should have them on my merged account seeing as they were cosmetics on my old one? My XBOX account where I purchased Overwatch Origins had these skins but my PC account before the merge didn’t. Does this affect anything? Can somebody please explain why the skins I paid for aren’t in my account because I’m so confused. I’ll also answer any further questions about this I kinda just wanna know why and if this is a glitch or some very weird feature where Blizzard has made the skins people paid for unobtainable (jkjk)
To clarify - none of my other cosmetics from PC or XBOX are missing and this seems to be the only problem that I’ve had with cosmetics after the merge. My game is running fine and I had ALL of those skins on my XBOX account. Thx for your time 
The rest of us are confused as well. Mine are on a Playstation copy instead of XBOX, but the weirdest thing (other than my Widowmaker Noire costume transferring which some people have trouble with getting to merge) is that I do have them unlocked and usable…if I swap to playing on PS4/5. Soon as I log into PC though they’re locked again.
Even though they were one of the biggest reasons I merged in the hopes they would finally carry over to my PC account. Really hoping this isn’t a “Blizzard wants you to buy the Watchpoint Pack” scenario.
I’m missing my origin edition skins as well
Im also experiencing the same problem with my nintendo switch origins edition i couldnt see the origins skins while playing on pc plus my 2000 free coins just vanished from buying the watchpoint pack like i just played a game and then it vanished relogging didnt even fixed it
Yeah, I have the same issue too. All my other skins transferred from my PS4 account, but none of my Origins skins came with it. I’ve had Origins for a long time, always had those skins specifically. Somehow they’re the only ones to be left behind.
same, i had these skins in my ps4 but i don’t have the skins :B
The same problem, my legendary origins skins have dissappeared on PC, but I had them on PS4…
Exactly! It’s so weird because if the accounts are merged the cosmetics should be the same on both platforms you access the account from. Sort of glad it’s not just me having issues but also if this wasn’t considered / an intended feature from Blizzard, why wouldn’t they think people would have a problem with it? Very weird
I have this exact same problem. Did your Noire skin for Widowmaker get yoinked aswell?
Yeah i just noticed it. Every Origins skin is locked and my Noire skin isn’t even in the game to view. i hope this bug is addressed soon. Merged from PS4 to PC
This is super common and has happened to everybody I know who’s merged a console account that’s had these skins to a PC account. The skins just can’t be accessed from PC for some reason. I hope this is a bug because it would be such a stupid, detrimental feature to have certain skins on a merged account to not be accessible on certain platforms. Hang in there, hopefully we’ll get an answer soon!
Please let me know if there is any update! I am having the same issue.
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Yeah I have all my skins I purchased except the Origin skins that I’ve owned before.
I also bought the origins edition on my ps4 like 4 years ago and i still have my orgins edition skins on my ps4 but on pc they’re bloqued. However some of them appear for 100 credits when they’re free on ps4.
yeah im getting the same problem here hope blizzard does something, hoping for an update
i have the same problem i buyed the overwatch origins edition with the noire widowmaker skin on ps4 but its not on pc
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same problem here, really upset my main skins on some of my favorite characters are just not there
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Same i just merged yesterday thinking i would get them but i didnt
yeah same im missing them on pc but when i log on ps4 they are there. Weird