OW has become very privacy intrusive

There’s always going to be people who do strange things, but it happens less as you climb.

Mid plat is about the point where a basic level of natural, unprompted teamwork (like consistently staging before a fight) becomes the expectation rather than the exception.

Roughly 71% of players are gold or higher, based on stats shared by Kaplan regarding rank distribution


I’m plat, and I don’t think dps is the strongest role.

lmao what?

Blizzard revealed the breakdown a few years back:

  • Bronze: 8%
  • Silver: 21%
  • Gold: 32%
  • Platinum: 25%
  • Diamond: 10%
  • Master: 3%
  • Grandmaster: 1%

Bronze players are a minority. The information is from 2018, so I don’t think those are the exact numbers to date, but are you really going to tell me with a straight face and no source that it went from 2/25 of the player base to literally half? That the ratio of bronze players, as the game got older, somehow expanded? And not only expanded, but that its proportional size grew by literally more than six times as much?

Source of info: Competitive Mode Tier Distribution

I would really love to know where on this planet you pegged bronze holding 50% of all players.

The fact is that no one should be shamed for their rank, but bronze players simultaneously house a fundamental misunderstanding of the game’s basic mechanics, and are one of the smallest groups of players. It doesn’t make sense for Blizzard to cater to them.

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I’ve also been wiped by good Smurfs with their own pockets, but that doesn’t mean that the role is good in high sr play.


Which no one cares about, as it’s minority.

Which still is about 50% of being platinum or below, where people still don’t know, what they are doing.

Then you just didn’t actually read my post. My post was about how the vast majority of players (gold/plat) and the T500/OWL/Streamers have more important feedback to the dev team than bronze and/or silver.

I did not lump plat in with silver or bronze, because there is an important ley line in the middle between people who know how to utilize the characters/game and those who don’t. You said:

Gold/plat players, the vast majority, were not included in my example of people who have no idea how to use the tool. They know how to use it, just not at an adept level. It’s the lower rank players like Lara whose opinions simply hold less weight because they fundamentally do not understand the product, and that bars them from being as relevant in balance discussions.


They still don’t know, sorry. Bronze is just more extreme case, which is why they should be included.

Since gold/platinum player acting stupid is equal to bronze player acting smart. And I would rather have tools to fix that problem, instead of simply abandoning player, like lost cause.

Either way both can’t properly use them, so it’s no difference from outside.

Bronze player doesn’t know to hit headshots, gold player can not hit headshots, and for me they are both bad damage boost targets.

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If those kids could read they’d be very upset.


No one said abandon. Well, not no one, but plenty of people in this thread are saying not to rank shame and that bronze players have their place.

But, bronze players simply have less weight being both extremely unskilled and such a small percentage of players.

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They have a lot of weight, because everyone acts like bronze at some point of their gameplay, so it’s important to be able to fix that.

You mean like learning better strategies or tightening mechanical skill?


No, by having outside intervention. Which is why I still want mass resurrect back - teammates may not be a smart bunch, but when you can effectively have twice as many of them, it’s not that big of a deal.

Which does fall under rank shaming, isn’t it? GM/top 500 are even smaller minority.

“If you play the game bad you are bad and if you play the game good you are good”


If Lara plays really smartly she will get out of bronze. If Xander plays D.va like a sniper he will fall out of T500. This is… true, sure, but we judge by SR, not potential.

But you’re also just plain wrong. Plat players understand the game and characters many fold better than bronze players, unless the bronze player has a disability or something that sharply limits their mechanical ability. They also represent a MUCH larger percentage of the community than bronze, and are affected more by game balance instead of simply limited by their poor understanding of the game. Thus, they have a seat at the balance table.

If devs listened to Lara Dva would do 500dps and would be broken in every rank but bronze. That is why bronze players can’t dictate balance.


Good, finally Dva can be pocketed. With results, this time.

No, it doesn’t.

It doesn’t make sense to cater to a small group of players who are excruciatingly unskilled. It’s okay to be bronze, but everyone acting like it at some point means that new players learn how to play and stop being bronze.

It wouldn’t be a good game if it was balanced around people who didn’t know how to play it.


It would be great game, actually.

And we still cater to even smaller group of GM/top 500/OWL. Even while average player will never be able to break the game in same manner they do.


This is the Overwatch forums, sir!!

We don’t tolerate logic and intelligence here!! Take that nonsense back to Reddit.


For the small fraction of players who have not figured it out, I suppose. But the overwhelming majority of players, which is something blizzard cares about, would not find it fun.


Which is majority of players, actually, who didn’t figure it out. And will be even larger majority in OW2, due to F2P model.

Yes, but they are the public face of overwatch, bringing revenue through streaming, OWL, etc. Blizzard can’t afford to alienate them because it will hurt the games reputation.

But it is a big deal to other supports when Mercy is a must pick. It is a big deal to mid and high ranks to have an ultimate completely undo a team fight where they might have used multiple ultimates, that are just canceled by Mercy’s. You might like it, but the majority is more important. Low ranks can’t dictate the experience of the majority.

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