OW has become very privacy intrusive

It just means, that we overnerfed sustain. It’s insufficient for low rank players.

no, it means that you have to adapt and learn to counter scripted abilities that are already easily counterable for the rest of the playerbase.


No because when you give low elo players free value they get to ranks they wont be at, that caters to bad players who don’t deserve thier rank


Which is something no one ever does, and I am not interested in cleaning the floors after rip-tire explodes and I am still alive.

And soon enough fall back anyway, when being meatshield is best thing they can do.

Which are majority in most of my games, so I don’t see it as that big of an issue.

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So we should buff sustain and ruin the game for the rest of the playerbase because bad players can’t deal with easily counterable ults like riptire?

Yes, ruin game for top 10%.


Ruin the game for top 90%, more like it. Pretty selfish mindset but aight

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Not really, most of playerbase is plat or below, so it’s selfish of you to claim that.

I would rather have game work for most of playerbase, than require reaching top 10% for it to work.


No that’s a dumb idea and people who are actually good at the game should be rewarded for it more than bad players go play something else if you want that

yea and plat players can deal with things like junkrat and reaper ults lmao. It’s not rocket science, and it doesn’t take being top 10% to realize that DPS is easy to counter.

What you basically saying is “if you ended up on bad team, sucks to be you”. Yet playing with smurfs is also frowned upon, when I bring competent teammate with me to carry this bunch of people to victory, regardless from their attempts to screw it over, intentionally or not.

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Yes. I’m not even top 500 like you and i can deal with tire and blossum, and i can take a pharah out of the air on genji. The game “works” for me. I just didn’t expect free value and ez heroes to have the game playable. Like i don’t have to be a dps god to deal with other dps, im just average or above average at best


Exactly. This mindset of low rank players demanding the game be catered directly towards the bottom 10% instead of learning to adapt is part of the reason why the balancing is so bad in this game to begin with tbh. It’s why heroes that do well in low ranks can never be buffed, even though theyre trash at high ranks.

Yes. The game does not have to he catered to me, the reality is most things work where i play. Its also not that complicated to counter ults, ESPECIALLY death blossum. Its already a bad ult where i play, it’s unusable in gm

It is complicated, when people will never fall back from them.

Here’s how I see this take:

Imagine Blizzard is a company that manufactures a hammer, the hammer being overwatch.

75% of their customers are just buying the hammer for home use. They nail down deck boards and hang pictures. They know the basics of using a hammer. This is gold/plat.

5% of their customers are highly skilled tradesmen, who use the hammer to make specialty items, fine products, and build amazing things. They make cool stuff on YouTube and their recommendation is an excellent form of advertisement that influences many more people to buy the hammer. This is GM/T500.

The final 20% of their customers are people who bought the hammer, but unlike the others do not know how to use it correctly. They use it as a door stop and a back scratcher. They are a real demographic, but a very under educated one in terms of the actual product. This is bronze.

It makes sense that the company caters to the general home user, because they are the majority. They might suggest adding a comfortable handle to the hammer, and the company might oblige.

However, the skilled tradesmen may say “hey, we don’t like this handle, it gets in the way of what we do. We will stop using your hammer in our YouTube videos, or endorsing it in your advertising if you don’t remove it.” It would also make sense for the manufacturer to listen to this demographic, because they are extremely knowledgeable, and like it or not, they make the company money through ads. They also tend to influence the opinion of the home users, who will echo the sentiment simply because a professional said it.

Now imagine Lara goes to the hammer forum and says “I think the whole hammer should be made of squishy silicone, it would feel so much better for back scratching”. That is her reality, and she should not be abused for having this opinion. However, it makes sense for the company not to listen to her. They only make one hammer (overwatch) and if it is made of squishy silicone, the other 80% of the buyers won’t want it, along with the people who use it as a door stop, or a peanut sheller.

Now, if Lara takes that opinion and then notices no one likes the idea, and decides to say “hey, listen to me, I’m one of the best skilled tradesman on this forum! I am among those who use the hammer to forge steel and build skyscrapers!” Everyone will see she is lying, and her credibility will be lost. Especially after pictures come out of her scratching her back with the hammer.

Ultimately until overwatch has rank based patches (which are a bad idea in my opinion for competitive integrity and simplicity) it doesn’t make sense for them to listen to the bronze people who innately lack an understanding of what they are doing. Lara thinks she cannot beat a squishy on dva because “her damage is too low”. She is using the tool improperly. That’s her prerogative, but it makes complete sense why the company nor the tradesmen value her opinion much. The lies only put the cherry on top.

It’s not fun to hear that you’re in the demographic that has less important feedback, but it’s just the truth.

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That ‘callout’ was a childish move. There’s another word for it, but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be allowed here. I don’t particularly care for Lara or not, but you all need to get out of the 4th grade with that bully mentality. For real. Don’t grow up, just stop being so rotten.

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I’ve never been past low diamond but I even know that DPS is the weakest role lol


DPS’s strength is inversely proportional to the quality of teamwork you’re dealing with, and high quality teamwork isn’t a reliable resource at the bottom end…

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It’s most important feedback, because it’s demographic people come through to use of your product. And in this case it’s not 20% of customers, but full 50%, that don’t know, how to use it.

Watching, how my team gets wiped out Yea, definitely.

It’s not a reliable resource anywhere else either, as people are prone to moments of stupidity.