OW has become very privacy intrusive

What is the point of being able to hide your stats and other things if anyone who has been in your match knows your rank and can share even a replay to the whole match? Not to mention sites like overbuff that can track you in the moment you leave your profile open for a second. Do I have to buy a name change just to have my info deleted?

I have been avoiding to show my rank and even forum posts for some time to prevent people from judging me based on that. But what is the point if anyone can get that info?

In the moment I make my profile public again everyone is trying to devaluate my arguments with “haha they are just bronze, they know nothing”.

I haven’t been always bronze but people doesn’t care.


Low rank players logic can’t apply to high ranks. It’s not elitist, it’s credibility. If you are talking about balance and for example and say; genji is overpowered in ow1 99% of masters+ players will say you’re delusional. If you’re gold or below, people of that rank will agree with you.

Different ranks experience different things, but higher elo players are generally more credible on making comments about balance and playstyles in general. They’ve proven to show a deeper understanding of the game than the average playerbase that dwells on the forums. Just my two cents on why your rank might be mentioned.


this doesn’t make sense on the forums. why would people who are actually ok at the game know what they’re talking about in terms of balance?!!?


A pretty radical idea isn’t it?


Why do you care so much what others think about your rank?


You are talking like everyone who is talking about balance around is top 500 or something.

I look at play time instead of ranks.


They try to make me look bad because it can be used against me.

i would hide my profile but i like how a site wants to have a database and show the public information for the player base. i mean i WISH blizzard would do the same and give us tools to see overall hero and player stats but i guess they are into privacy as well so i can see that but maybe just overall hero stats is better than certain individual player stats

anyways i dont hide my profile because i want to contribute to a database that is overbuff currently. now if blizzard came out and made hero stats available (not just top rank 500) then i may hide my profile

of couse i have been chastised for having a HIGH border rank and just being in gold. that is one of the reasons i disabled chat and voice… got tired of hearing it lol


SF shocks coach is very low ranked but is one of the best coaches in the league, rank doesn’t inherently mean you don’t know about the game, but no one on this forum that is low ranked actually knows what they’re talking about. otherwise they would be doing something more productive than being on here.


How am I saying that? Lots of people on the forums argue about balance but have no idea what they’re talking about. I’m saying the people who should be commenting on balance should atleast be in the top % since they understand how to be decent at the game and have proven it by applying it in game and getting to the higher ranks.

If you make arguments about balance that are wild or inaccurate, someone may mention your rank. It makes you seem less credible (which if you are low elo making comments on balance, generally the ideas you may present about balance are likely to not be a good idea or are inaccurate like the genji example)


It can’t be used against you. Your rank doesn’t change whether what you say is true or not.


Because if you’re playing a competitive game with other players around your ELO they are going to see what your rank is…?

Even if you could hide this, it’s still not hard to guess someone’s SR if you play with them.

For diamond and below it’s 500-1000 SR

And higher ranks it’s like 350-450?


Still malding over that callout? Okay.

You did that yourself. Don’t say things people can use against you once they catch you.


The thing is instead of trying to bring arguments and why it is wrong, rank shaming seems to be the easiest way to dodge the bullet. They may not even be a high rank for that matters.

Catch me in what? You are talking like it is criminal to hide your info or something.


Just ignore them, don’t let it get to you.

I’ve been “ranked shamed” before and I just think it’s stupid :joy:

(Imagine shaming someone for their virtual rank in a semi-dead video game)


I do but people don’t care. They are just going to listen to whoever is higher rank by nature because this is the stigma that blizzard has created.

I get the gist of your idea but I dont think understanding the game well and having the mechanics to use that knowlede to get to high ranks are inherently tied together. Morons can get to high ranks with the WORST takes

The thing is generally a low rank player also doesnt understand the game so it usually would apply.

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How has blizz done that? I think in most games people generally will trust good players opinions about the game more than bad players.


People who mindlessly believe high sr or pro players and who treat them as infallible gods are idiots, being good at a game doesn’t mean that you are equal with a blizzard developer.

I just laugh at these people, I’m sure their sr is their only real accomplishment in life :joy: