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I wonder why people will judge you. Couldnt possibly be because you have claimed countless times you are GM/T500 when in actual reality you are bronze/silver.

I wont go through the trouble of digging up links to show your lies

CS:GO can’t be compared. Every piece of damage is additive, it’s round based, it doesn’t have abilities, and you can steal the enemy $4750 weapon.

And they actually keep fine tuning m4 not to make it OP because it’s one sided.

PS: I was a UMP demigod till they nerfed it. I could easily carry the team and be their bank account. $600 per kill. It was SO good that high ranked and pros picked up on that and they forced the UMP to be nerfed. I literally outsniped people with AK47 on long d2 doors, due to a pretty stable recoil pattern and great damage penetration.

Who said I want to get to high elo? I prefer game to not be as sweaty, as it is up there.

Then that’s fine but like those competent players you seek are up there. I’m above average at best in this game so people I play with are usually above average at best. You should NEED to be carried by players

It doesn’t mean I would be happy about my tools being generally ineffective. As former TF2 player, I am accustomed to big amounts of chaos and incompetence, as long as there are tools to compensate it, one way or another.

Mass resurrect was one of such tools, that allowed to bring everyone back together and with full health, after “do not trickle in 1 by 1” doesn’t work.

You did. The post where you initially claimed t500 was addressed to me. You were making some ridiculous claim that DPS heroes have the most impact out of any other role in high ELO and I asked if you had actually played in high ELO, to which you said “yes”. High 30s in s1 is not “high ELO”. Neither is 2700. You’ve never played in high ELO, yet you tried to say you did to make yourself seem more credible. You lied.

Also, I didn’t try to rank shame you there. I didn’t even know you were bronze at the time. You had an obvious low ELO opinion so I was challenging your credibility. Cuz spoiler alert: every GM+ player will tell you that DPS is the weakest role in the game.


Could use a good laugh.

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Ah ok I’ll ask the same question then. Have you actually played the game at a high level or?

Luckily, no. I know what to expect there, and it’s where my tools would be effective(if smurfs are any indication), but I do not have desire to be there.

Alright then lmao, same exact situation I was in months ago with Lara. You haven’t played in masters or GM so you haven’t experienced it. So why are you even disagreeing with what I just said lol


Because it’s obvious lie at other ranks. Guess it’s easy to call DPS weakest role, when teams are likely to have DPS of similar skills, so no too big “DPS diff” to expect.

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So in other words you thinking dps is the strongest roles is objectively false and can’t be taken seriously. Got it


It’s objectively true in most of the game.

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I mean if you even read my post you’d know I was talking about the game at a high rank. DPS is the weakest role.

That’s because no one at these “other ranks” is good at the game. So naturally dps will shred them. Doesn’t make it true

Which is why I laughed about it, as it would definitely be grounds for more DPS buffs.

Nothing is natural about it, if DPS are also not good at the game.

Being broken and being hard to deal with are not the same thing. Even when you get to high plat+ heroes like genji and doomfist get absolutely demolished by supports like brig. They are not “op” or more impactful than other roles because they dominate in gold. They’re just more impactful IN LOW ELO. Not the same thing.

Or they just get ignored and their team gets demolished instead. At least, that is my experience on Mercy - players know, that they can’t catch me easily, so they just wipe out my teammates.

I mean a lot of the time they dont have to be. Junkrat presses Q and low elo players cant deal with it :man_shrugging: that doesnt make the role suddenly good lmao