Overwhelming negative Symmetra feedback

… really?

If Blizzard acknoledged the support backlash last beta and promised “exciting changes” just to make changes that make support feel even worse, but might be more exciting to DPS hunting them down, would you defend that as well?
All the backlash is deserved here. If a hero that is struggling gets promised “meaty changes” just to then get a worse hero, people are allowed to be upset and voice their concern.
Sure, nobody should hurl abuse towards Andy as a spokesperson, but they have every right to call the balancing team incompetent and be upset at the wording that has been used.

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My point.

Nah. What, are you expecting Andy to come on here like “Sorry guys, the next bunch of changes are really bad, don’t get your hopes up”? :joy:

Please understand. There was a Blizzard post in a Symmetra thread. I believe there has only ever been like one (maybe two) other instance of this years ago, and it was a fairly sarcastic comment from Geoff.

Andy likely did not know the details of the changes, and was simply informing us that balance changes were coming. Myself and many others just thought that we were going to get meaningful changes after that announcement and were severely let down.

Considering most employees play test the betas before hand this is a bit hard to believe.
And even if he wasn’t aware of the exact changes, then no post at all would have been better.