Overwhelming negative Symmetra feedback

The patch notes can be summed up with “RMB is worse, finite teleporter”. There’s more fat than meat and it certainly wasn’t something to dangle in a thread asking for Sym improvements.


I disagree that that’s a fair way of putting it, but I don’t see how I could change your mind about it.

If you say so. This situation just gives me similar vibes as to when people called Jeff a liar for saying that D.Va’s academy skin would break the Internet.

In the past I’d be inclined to say “it’s Blizzard lol they won’t change anything” but they seem to be much more willing to change if something they add has a widely negative response.

That statement of Jeff’s was obvious hyperbole and anyone who expected anything exceptional from that skin pretty much set themselves up for disappointment.

AndyB went into a Sym thread and teased the prospect of significant changes, only for the patch notes to come out and find out there’s nothing significant there. It looks like the design equivalent of re-arranging deckchairs on the Titanic; they made RMBs more reliable but also unimpactful, they made RMBs more fun in the form of them travelling faster but less fun in that they take longer to charge (bad enough that they need to be charged up in the first place imo). It would be surprising if people didn’t make snarky comments.


Thing is first they admitted she was bad and then told us she was getting significant changes. No one would think that meant 9+ nerfs with buffs that get overshadowed by the nerfs. Maybe not slap in the face but still…


Well hey, Andy’s not on the balance team. It’s completely plausible that someone like him who trusts the balance team to balance well would see a list of 100 changes and consider that to be significant.

And like, they are significant. They’re “meaty”. Doesn’t mean they’re good.


Harmony_OW is a t500 sym streamer. Was watching both them and stevoo on beta launch day.

Both hated the changes and were unable to do Jack squat in their games.

Stevo also did a quick test with tryhard on monkey.

Symmetra is unable to kill monkey with her orbs before he MELEES her to death. That’s how little damage she does.


There’s such a thing as positive symmetra feedback?

I don’t blame Andy ofc, balance team probably told him something along the lines of what he said. They are ‘meaty’ nerfs tho we expected the opposite

We’re sorry, but good feedback is only for good changes

Symmetra Mains

Bring back old sym with sphagetti beam and two ults. Also bring scrap torb with the lvl 3 turret.

I must know absolutely nothing about my most played character because symmetra’s secondary fire must have been the most broken thing in the whole game to warrant:

  • being made smaller and more difficult to land
  • having reduced damage
  • having the rate of fire halved

Am I missing something? did she get a massive boost in her power budget elsewhere?

And they didn’t change anything about her primary fire??

They specifically mentioned that it was difficult to get value out of it now that there are significantly fewer barriers, yet there were no changes to her 60/120/180 damage tiers or harsh ramp up time of 2.8 seconds.

How does any of this make any sense??

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Has there ever been any changes that weren’t worth overwhelmingly negative feedback for Symmetra?

I’ll wait

In theory yes

It’s never been practiced because there hasn’t been any changes either said positive feedback

Imagine having a character be terribly from launch and years later still be terrible, then nerf her again, only to read comments like these saying Sym mains have nothing positive to say

I’m sorry, maybe when there’s something positive thrown her way that actually helps they’ll be positive

Can’t routinely and habitually throw out trash changes and then expect positivity

Don’t get this mentality and never will.

This. She has to charge up for longer and deals less damage, but her orbs are harder to hit, too. They look amazing, as does her TP, but what does that matter if she’s even worse than before?

Meanwhile hitscans get…nothing touched, (outside of a buff to widow of all heroes wtf) despite their prevalence already.

IDK why they tried giving her range and as consequence, gutted her kit.

She was never meant to play at range, she just needed the tools to play more aggressively/brawly to work in 5v5. Think like Reaper or Mei.

She’s probably around the weakest she’s ever been with the current state in the beta. She feels awful to play as and it feels like she can’t deal any meaningful damage or even support the team in any meaningful way.

Anyone not going to mention that cASSidy got ANOTHER buff during this crisis?

Forgive all for quoting myself from another post:

I think I see it now. Its just a waste of time to give blizzard any feedback about balancing because as glaring as some balance issues might be they only care about two things: OWL Pro player feedback and their Data.

You can clearly see it from the history of OW. Sometimes huge imbalances linger for a long time because they dont have the necessary “data” (whatever how this data is analyzed by them…) or didnt listen to how OWL pros feel about it.

It is not only Goodman, it was like this on Jeff’s era as well. Brig is a good example, it was GLARING how absurd she was, it took months for Blizzard to take any action. Sym starting being effective against double shield, you didnt see any uproar about it, but they quickly nerfed her. Their actions usually either go on the opposite direction of what the playerbase is experimenting or is just extremely lethargic for the sake of expecting raw “data” to base balance numbers from.

For their skewed perspective, Mccree needs buffs, Symmetra is a bogeyman that must be kept on check and Doomfist is the most powerful tank ever. OWL and Data are all that matters. The game’s experience and atmosphere for us, mere mortals, is just not important. “They know better than us”

So, having Negative Feedback is a null point for them, they will just ignore it until they have what they need to do whatever number changes their manatee aquarium and their random balls of ideas tell them what to do.

Its time to give up thinking we have any agency, even if a little, on what Blizzard will do. All that is left for us is to watch this trainwreck of balance changes, gather and popcorn and marvel at how a billion dollar company can be so bad at doing number changes and seeing the big picture.

I still do believe the OWL is the main culprit for that, maybe their balance changes must go through a board of OWL investors and Pros before it sees the light of the day. That is why all changes are always so shy and must be backed up by tons of data and pro feedback before reaching the game. It is just my theory, maybe it is just the good old fashioned incompetency, sometimes the simplest explanation is the true one.

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Blizzard is approaching their fourth revision of the character. Maybe the feedback is always bad because the product is bad.