Overwhelming negative Symmetra feedback

There has been an abundance of negative feedback from reddit, forums, online articles, popular streamers alike. The previous developer blog clearly stated that Symmetra was underperforming and suffering from identity crisis. The statement regarding her balance changes implied an increase in viability, something myself and others have desperately been hoping for. This makes these changes even more confusing.







We absolutely appreciate the increased communication and activity on the forums. But this statement and the corresponding changes just feels so disconnected and is a huge slap in the face.


I get what they think they were doing, more range with the trade off for everything else. But this just isn’t it.

I hope the feeedback causes some actual movement on change here


I don’t think so. They might revert some of the minor nerfs like the charge time and maybe reduce TP cooldown to 15 seconds but I don’t expect something huge anymore.
That’s what they wanted to do with DPS Sym and they probably stick with it.


Bare minimum they need to consider having primary and secondary linked, why has this never been even attempted!? Why do we have a beam and projectile character with ramping damage that are completely disconnected?? Why when you charge up your secondary do you lose all ramp damage from primary.

Her kit is disjointed and terrible


Right - there were some decent attempts but it just feels so cautious and limited

The Orisa rework felt like *“Wow, we are excited about this hero and just tapped into what we think her identity is”. The Symmetra one though feels a bit like maintenance.

I’m good at adapting so all I want to see is what version of Symmetra are the devs just wishing they could throw onto live, player be damned. Lock down that “fun core Symmetra” first and then make your adjustments/consider balance/the players/owl/etc

Someone else said it here but it felt a bit like each ability of hers was cautiously handled by a separate person in their own bubble. No one tool really shines as a core part of her kit.

My basic wish.

  • Give her flat damage/good speed orbs on primary fire. Charging primary releases a high powered beam at the cost of ammo.

You could slap Zen’s primary fire onto Sym for a day and she still won’t demolish the game so I don’t think they need to be so cautious with her.

:sob: :broken_heart: yo, that’s what I’m sayingggg

Everything in her kit is a huge wind-up and separated. Something in it needs to be consistent and responsive, at least

If they insist on making the beam her primary then connecting the two guns like you said certainly sounds interesting. They could do so much to smooth out that interaction.

I’d just merge both guns entirely, removing the wind-up and freeing rightclick for Sym.


I feel you on this issue, it feels like she is being left behind again.
I just feel like I’d rather have the old symmetra with the sticky rev
primary now that shes dps with a bit of range, minus the 6 turrets,
i think the three are Fine.

I just hooe they look more into it.


Have Sym players ever not had overwhelming negative feedback?


considering how she wasn’t complained about AS much last beta don’t get me wrong there def was complaints but with the feedback from this beta… I’m hoping this either causes them to reassess the changes or just revert back to ow1 sym and start from there again

I remember last beta when she received no adjustments, people were inhaling their copium saying “don’t worry guys this means she’ll be REWORKED properly next time!” :clown_face:

And this is what they got. I just have to laugh


True. For a long time we thought they will rework her but looks like they just forgot about her existence until 2 weeks ago.

Geoff seemed to at least try support Sym so I really want to know how this went.

Ya I was really hoping for a buff or a rework.

Its really to sad to see how egregious the nerfs are. She wasn’t even designed for a 1 tank world, how on earth they saw her as too powerful is beyond me. That or they thought these were buffs.

Heck, if you take out the nerfs and just include the buffs, it still probably wasn’t enough to make her decent. With the nerfs too she’s just unplayable. What a nightmare


I’m honestly shocked at how underwhelming she is right now. So many unnecessary nerfs that make no sense? Like… why? She was already bad and felt out of place in OW2 and now they just sent her straight into the dumpster?

3 orbs to kill a squishy is really, really bad and the fact that they take longer to charge means that she is even more vulnerable since any second in a duel could be the difference between life or death. Not being able to orb + melee combo Tracer anymore really hurts her against flankers too.

They literally could just take Sym 3.0 and do the following:

– let the beam charge a tiny bit faster OR increase its range
– make her orbs travel faster
– let the TP deploy faster

Those things alone would make her feel better in OW2. They could also have experimented with her ult since right now it feels more like a support ult since it only provides a shield for the team. So for example, they could have let her be automatically in lvl 3 charge during the time the ult is active to increase her reliability, consistency and DPS.

Instead we got this ”rework”. I’m just so confused. I really hope that the balancing team listens to the community because this is NOT a good state to leave Symmetra in.


20mins to queue DPS (yes I genuinely waited that long on xbox earlier) to play Symm or 20secs to play Zen who is more competent at DPS? I think even Baptiste feels like he has better damage and kit at this point.

In all seriousness, I won’t go over the top as this is still a beta and I’m sure it’ll change, but it’s genuinely confusing the direction and tweaks they’ve gone with her.

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It is time symmetra gets her own teleporter with shorter cd , press tp button then press right click / left click to deploy self / teammates tp , press tp button again to cancel.
And for the love of god , nerf turret range and add that to her primary , she shoots light , it should be a big as* laser beam . If they can’t do that they need to give her 120 dps back

Should we really be surprised at this point? This type of “balancing” has been going on for 6 years now.


The problem with Symmetra is that she’s a damage hero with low damage and the utility of support without the healing.
Blizzard just needs to decide if they want her to be a support or a dps hero.
If they want her as a dps hero then just take away the utility and give her more damaging attacks, abilities and ultimate
If they want her as a healer then keep the utilities and give her healing.
At this point I can go either way I just want her to be viable in her role


Dude, she just got a 33% reduction in damage on her ranged attack (Old orbs, 112 dps, new orbs 75) in a game that’s gotten MORE lethal. They SHOULD be angry.


The balance team has always are dumb & deaf. Sym is the only dps with long cd for her abilities and it’s terrible. Either revert her to Sym 2.0 or give her a major rework.

I guess this team hasn’t learned anything from OW1. I’m concerned about OW2.

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To be fair, it’s because they give feedback and the devs are ridiculous and ignore it, and do the opposite of what they should do lol


God forbid we let a hero have good DPS and a useful team ability

Like why is it one or the other with you people. She can easily have both if they just properly buff her.

Remove all the added on nerfs and she’ll be good. There you go I fixed symmetra.