Overwhelming negative Symmetra feedback

In fact, if they copy all Orisa skill to Symmetra I would be impressed by their cleverness.

And I hope that Torb can get these debate too because he is as dumb as Sym right now.

Cause blizzard has made it to where tanks and supports provide a bunch of utility to the team. While dps provide some utility to the team but it mostly benefits them ie sombras hack, Widowmakers ult and hanzo sonar arrow.

9/10 times in real play sym’s tp is used for herself.

And they haven’t made any suggestions that they want to remove it either.

She’s also one of the few DPS that has a non damaging ult

Symmetra’s kit feels incredibly disjointed:

  • Ramp-up primary fire laser that doesn’t interact with secondary fire
  • Secondary fire that slings orbs that struggle to hit anything
  • Mini-turrets that slow down enemies and deal a bit of damage (??)
  • Teleporter (??)
  • Giganto-barrier ultimate

None of this feels connected at all, and Symmetra’s role is not clear. Is she supposed to do damage? Because she can’t do that. Is she supposed to lock down an area? Because she can’t do that. She just feels like a bunch of cobbled together assets that used to mean something.

Symmetra needs a clear and focused goal with her design. I think I am somewhat qualified to wax on it because I play a ton of Symmetra. I feel like Symmetra should be a Support hero, but since she has a focus on shields, nobody would like that. Her only healing ability shouldn’t have just been +25 shields, it should’ve been more intertwined with her kit.

Primary Fire: Fire an orb that damages enemies. Chargeable.
Secondary Fire: Fire a laser that builds up shields on friendly players (max of +100 after 3ish seconds) and removes shields from enemy players (-50 per second). Also deals damage to enemy shields.

Shift - Creation: Create up to 6 of a variety of spherical objects that change depending on how far you place them away from you.

If you are aiming at a close surface you can place it down, similarly to how sentry-turrets used to be placed;

  • Close: A beacon that gives nearby teammates 50 shields. Can stack with itself.

If you are not aiming at a close surface, you will instead fire the object

  • Far, hits a player or shield mid-transit: A bomb that deals extra damage against shields.
  • Far, hits a viable surface: The current sentry-turret.

You can have up to 6 of these creations out at any given time. You can chose to use most of them for the shield-granting beacons, or you can use them as an extra weapon against flanking classes or tanks. You can also use them just like how you can use sentry-turrets with Symmetra currently.

Symmetra’s main weapon has a reverse ramp-up feature. The less creations you have on the field, the more effective her primary weapon is at dealing damage and giving shields. Think of this as her spreading herself too thin.

E - Teleporter: Just the current teleporter.

Ultimate - Barrier: Symmetra’s current ultimate.

Passive - Destruction: Aiming at a creation from any distance and doing a Quick Melee will destroy the creation

So, this design for Symmetra turns her into a Support hero that can either hunker down or go on the move. If you want to hunker down, you can lock down or reinforce an area with her creations. This lowers the effectiveness of her primary weapon, so you will be more vulnerable to attacks. If you want to stay on the move, you can only use the bomb variant of her creations, and you get to have your primary weapon at max effectiveness.

I think this a fair rework of her original design, that being single area lockdown with some shield and teleporter based utility. Plus, you only have to create one new asset; the model for the beacon variant of her creation.

I whipped this up in like 30 minutes, and I haven’t played the game in awhile, so this may or may not be unbalanced. What I hope it is, however, is interesting and fun.


There certainly is something really odd on the OW balancing team, It seems like they only look at some bureaucratic data about the game and not the whole picture. They also seem to treat balance with baby-gloves because of OWL as well.

There has to be something wrong on their approach to balance, this team needs to be moved somewhere and new blood and new leadership should take reigns of the balance team and be more energetic about those changes and how they approach changes to the game.

Goodman’s approach has got to go, allocate him to some other game, take him out of Overwatch.

This just cant go on if they plan to try to revive OverWatch. Its not about Sym only. Every balance change is weird and goes against what the playerbase is experimenting (they Nerfed Doom’s powerblock, god knows what they will do with Moira).

They need to start doing some real changes to the game… giving 3 subs to streamers isnt going to create engagement for this game, this game must first be FUN for the playerbase that plays it and not just OWL. If this kind of changes continue, you can expect OW2 launch to be received with as much apathy as this Beta2 is receiving.


Pffft as if they consider your opinion, like they did with Air Roll 3 times in ExC. They never revert actually meaningful changes.

Goodman got PROMOTED onto OW after he destroyed the balance of HotS so bad its e-sports got cancelled over night.

After contributing in destroying Blizzard’s last golden goose that was OW, he will be promoted to a lead position in Blizzard’s next big project.


Here’s a post I sent to a friend who’s a sym main who hates the changes. I used to like sym and play her a decent bit, more when she had 6 turrets and the moving shield.

Giving it about a seconds thought I would have:

Made projectiles 15-20% faster. Made them a bit smaller to compensate.

Speed up Tele deployment, make it do a flashy effect to alert people better. Think Tele health nerf is enough, don’t need to make it on a lifetime. If she cancells it give cooldown 5 second reduction.

Add moving shield back but cooler visual effect, shorter lifetime and range. It’s a great little reactionary skill parry, helps close distance or briefly protect a Tele deploy.

I liked the shield gen, but maybe not as an ult as it provided too much tankyness over a wide area.

Perhaps bring it back as a secondary option to the Tele, so you can have either Tele out or shield gen out till they’re destroyed. Make it short ranged and it dispenses shield like a shield battery in SC2, which it slowly charges and can store x amount of shield.

Perhaps it refills heroes with shield health and for all heroes gives 10% of their hp pool as overshield while it’s alive.

Edit: You could even try it converting a % of heroes normal hp to shield when they come in range. Active for 30 seconds or till gen is destroyed depending on balance needs.

Hopefully with so much backlash, they’ll heavily reconsider the changes. It’s not just the forums, but the main subreddits, as well as promoted streamers.

They know the response is bad.
I just hope they don’t dismiss the criticsim based on a 60% internal winrate or something.


Sym mains will literally set these forums on fire if they didn’t. Same with the mercy mains.

They just need to get rid of the nerfs so we can actually test her out.

Far easier to get data on 2-3 simple buffs than trying to get data from a garbage plate of nerfs

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We were promised meaty changes that would require adjustments in playstyle etc. And we got them.

Were they good changes? Apparently not according to a lot of people, but don’t get mad at Andy lol

“huge slap in the face” :grimacing:

the rework is pretty bad ngl, they applied the same philosophy of overnerfing everything else for “compensation”.
like, primary fire now has infinite ammo, larger hitbox at first and no spread? ok, let’s halve the headshot damage bonus, give her 70% damage falloff past 15 meters and also reduce the dps to just 100 (down from 132).
What happened was a tank with 0 damage without javelin.
They at least removed some of the nerfs this patch, but they also removed the larger hitbox at the start which was essential to avoid fast heroes running circles around her.

1 step forward 2 steps back

They think they know what they’re doing, but they don’t.


What Sym needed:

  • a more consistent primary fire
  • Turret damage reverted to 50
  • 120 damage orbs with faster projectile speed
  • 15 sec ult again
  • temporary TP with the old CD (which was 12 seconds IIRC)

What she got instead:

  • a spot in the dirt 6 feet under.

Why is it that heroes who’ve been historically under-performing on ladder since 2016 can never ever get buffs without some ridiculous nerfs as “compensation”? What on earth are they compensating for? Their nonexistent power levels? Plus, why are they still insistent on keeping the beam charge up mechanic on a hero who has no good survivability options in the first place?


This would be nice with one tank.

and they’ve literally been doing that crap for YEARS.


Incompetent people promise to make the hero stronger and more flexible and do the opposite.
Something has changed?



Did we? Sym looks broadly the same, she just looks like she’s now even less fun and weaker to boot. So far it appears she can plink away at enemies with RMBs ineffectually, or try and move in to get something done with LMB and instantly get mown down. Yes, her RMBs move faster, but they’re also not doing much and worse, they’re slower to charge. Why does Sym’s gun have to feel so slow?

But I’m not a Sym player nor do I know of any Sym streamers other than Stevo, so if you could refer me to any that are changing up their gameplay at all and actually accomplishing anything then I’d be grateful.

The issue with her is the fast pace of the game. She simply needs to be faster.
Skils are fine, just make them faster. The TP change was ok-ish, the rest are not.

You can even add a Turret CD reset on kills.

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They changed every aspect of her kit besides her ultimate, so yeah. Meaty for sure.

Doesn’t mean they were good changes like I said.