Overwatch was better before Role Queue

In case any of you haven’t seen it, I made a poll about RQ vs. OQ if you could all take a couple of seconds to answer it, it would help a lot.

h ttps://strawpoll.com/6ux1r4uwu

You could have every account in Overwatch take the poll, and certain people will still say “there is no definitive proof”.


yeah, but atleast the reasonable people might learn to ignore the others

oh yeah this is awful, I don’t play much Overwatch outside of with my friends but it just makes the queue times longer and has less variety. It’s like if TF2 comp matchmaking (as flawed as it is) forced you into 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, a medic and a demo


At that point I was a tank main. Not because I WANTED to play tank. But because I found more often than not, if I didn’t say “Fine… I’ll do it… again…” we’d have no tanks, period. I’m all for people being able to play what they want, but I don’t like feeling forced to play a role I don’t want to play to have a chance to win.

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Welp, flex q partialy bring back this problem, by making people play roles they dont really want, for passes. Not everyone, but i imagine quite a lot of people just use flex as to get passes, not to play game itself and have fun with it…

And yea, i understand not wanting to play something, just saying i personaly liked to play tank back in the day and it was not as bad for me at least. Cant speak for my teammates if they were being forced or not a lot of times, as people dont talk in lower ranks a lot.

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To me, there’s a big difference between the 2:

in OQ, if i wanted to win i felt forced to play things i didn’t want to play after the game had started.

Flex queue lets you choose before the game starts - you aren’t forced, you choose to get a pass because you want the reward. You’re more than welcome to never need to play a tank to win if you’re willing to wait.


Thats why i said it just partialy bring problem back, with people who play roles they dont like just to get passes in flex… there are still people playing not what they want in the game, just for different reason.

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Yeah, i dont see it as being as bad though. Its want VS need. You’re incentivized to solve a problem for yourself rather than only having the option to wait.

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I do not miss the begging and bickering over players who needed to switch.

It all comes out in the wash. If a DPS main flexes, and loses 75% of the games they flex, soon they’ll end up where they should be.

Point is while they are doing that, they are throwing a lot of other players’ games.

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If a player is making a good faith effort to win, just limited to a role they aren’t used to playing, they aren’t “throwing”.

Its ridiculously shortsighted to not even allow for players to place where they should be, because they aren’t playing a role you don’t want them to… :roll_eyes:

With Rolequeue I can play DPS without soft-throwing, but shortsighted people want to take that away from me…SMH

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Well now that’s a massive Kapp, ngl.

I think it’s important to continue to express and discuss the issues that rq has so that The developers do not decide to remove our option to play open Q. They have already done this once before and they could do it again so it is important that we make our opinions known

No limits was definitely fun and I wouldn’t mind if they brought it back for another competitive season.

But it is important to understand that having the single hero limit is significantly less harmful than the 222 rq

The single hero limit only prevents you from playing a maximum of five potential heroes while 222 prevents you from playing roughly half or more of the entire hero roster, 15+

The number of people who wish for no limits to return would be expected to be considerably less than the number of people who are interested in open queue considering the fact that open queue was the main way the game was played for three years. No limits was only in place for a few months before they changed it. So people quickly adapted to the single hero limit

It’s not like you to resort to using personal attacks, avian

I’d suggest debating this with logical arguments which I know that you are capable of as we have had civil discussions/Debates before

See above

See above

Not necessarily. See above

People prefer different modes for different reasons.

But crucially, the single hero limit does not cause excessive q times, one of the most severe problems caused by 222

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I don’t take kindly to people dismissing a valid argument by calling it a strawman argument. It’s usually the type of people who only want to discuss things that supports their agenda while pretending to want an open discussion.

It’s important for people to realize that this opinion is just that, an opinion which is fine to have. But insuating that it’s somehow fact or the opinion of the majority without providing any proof of it is silly.

I’m currently running a strawpoll which I posted in a lot of different places and currently only 17.44% are in favor of OQ. I’m aware of the flaws that kind of data has however if anyone wants to flat out dismiss it, the burden of proof switches to them.

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People just say “go play open queue” the problem is that the game is BALANCED around role queue. Role Queue has messed up both the tank and support roster and people just want to plainly deny that. Certain tanks, dps, and supports work EXTREMELY well in 2-2-2 comps, as such it makes them “op” and quick to be nerfed.

Role Queue has also killed any chance for heroes like Bastion to get any meaningful changes. With Bastion, you can no longer just ran triple/quad tank and roll over him with ease. Now that you have to think (which people don’t like doing) it forces bastion to remain niche because people don’t like to think about how to counter him.

People forget the meta was shifting away from GOATs into a meta that actually supported triple dps comps, at least before Sigma.

Also the whole “5 dps every game!!!” is worst confirmation bias than bronze players claiming Bastion is in every one of their games. It’s a myth that people have echo chambered in this forum so hard that people just accept it as fact.

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Your argument wasn’t valid. I’ve explained the reasons why

Furthermore it was indeed not an argument being made by dodo nor being argued against because it was not the subject matter of discussion

Who is insinuating that?

Could you link those places?

In the spirit of full disclosure could you list those flaws?

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You presented your opinions on it, it doesn’t make it any less of a valid argument. No Limits is the actual classic mode, the likely difference is that the people who liked it with time probably just moved on due to time.

There is no problem with no limits because the game is no longer balanced towards it just as the game isn’t balanced towards OQ. That’s just something that people who choose to play it have to deal with.

The subject at hand is trying to make something to give something that is a personal preference more importance, hence why they want it on the main game card in the hopes that it’s somehow going to change something. If we are putting past iterations of the game format on the main cards, why not all? Like I said, there’s no problem with putting it there other than making the main cards more crowded.

A lot of the same arguments used to put OQ there can be used on No limits as well.

Dodo basically did in the another thread by keep using “many” to support that there is enough interest in OQ to make RQ obsolete.

This is the poll
h ttps://strawpoll.com/6ux1r4uwu/r

Places I posted
r/competitive overwatch

My twitter with #Overwatch

Here on the forums

My own personal discord server
Sideshow’s Discord
Bren’s Discord
Smex’s Discord
YOW’s Discord
SVB’s Discord
Samito’s Discord
Timthetatman’s Discord (though that channel is very innactive)

It’s a strawpoll (people could be voting multipile times)
It’s only posted in places which is likely visited by English speakers
Time of day can be a factor
I’m not a big name so I don’t have a big network to get more data from.

those are the ones on top of my head

Another problem is that it Further divides the player base potentially increasing the queue times in open queue

I wouldn’t see “cluttering” of the menu to be too big of an issue and certainly not the only issue

If cluttering is really so big of a deal then we should go back to having open queue only Because rq is more cluttered with the three separate roles and flex Q

You said a lot of the arguments are the same, can you tell me which ones? Because as I’ve said before people want different modes for different reasons. You’ve also said something like this before that there is a fine line in an individual’s preference of what constitutes too much freedom or too much restrictions.

One can absolutely prefer open Q or no limits for different reasons. Eg:

  • Single hero limit increases hero variety – Although it does decrease compositional variety

  • Single hero limit potentially increases the skill needed. if your hero is taken by someone else it requires you to know how to play another hero

With all that said, I personally would be totally down for competitive no limits being featured on the main game screen despite the potential drawbacks. At the very least I wouldn’t mind if the developers gave it a trial period to see how it goes. Although they sort of gave it a trial with the competitive no limits in the arcade. Maybe it was simply not popular enough to warrant a place on the main screen

I’d like to see the actual quotation and the context for myself

Yes i’m glad you brought up this flaw

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That is what I’m getting at as well as the part of the problem. Some want it to be more visible because apparently it being in Arcade makes a big difference when it comes to being aware that it exists. But having more options divides the playerbase further.

OQ comp existing and even being on the main card is a luxury for those who like it, because based on the data I have it’s not a lot of people who has it as their prefered option. As of this post, it’s sitting at 17%

More creativity
Not restrictive
You can pick whatever you want if you think it’s going to make a difference (and you don’t even need another person to swap off)
Higher possibility of each game being different with more options.

With a 17% backing for OQ, I don’t even think that’s enough interest to warrant a spot on the main card, but I’m not going to advocate for it to be removed because I think it’s important that people who enjoy it get to play that way.

I’m not going to look for the posts but it was in this thread Is Role Queue still necessary?

If memory serves right, you were arguing for the use of “many” being valid as well but I might be wrong.

Based on the little data we got from the DEVs we already know that it’s popular in KR server (can’t remember if it’s Asia as a whole or just KR) but even that can have been subject to change and we could see RQ being more popular now. For Koreans being good at a game gives status and I doubt a lot of OQ players would be pushing seriously towards becoming top players because if they actually got good, they wouldn’t be playing OQ in semi pro and pro games.