Overwatch was better before Role Queue

Please state your arguments as to why these points are only alleged and not true:

  • Tanks do not need to be balanced and playable for 1/4/1 AND 3/3 with 222.
  • 222 removed bad quality solo healer/tank games.
  • QPC means people feel forced to pick tanks/healers when they didnt want to and didnt choose to beforehand.
  • 222 removed many of the old “i can tell we’re gonna lose before we even left spawn” games where 4 people all decided to throw because they couldnt all pick Genji.

Why do you think the devs would destroy their game for the sake of OWL?


Why? Are you paired with other player with a heavily different level?

That wasn’t a strawman argument.

The question asked is completely valid.

Using the rules from day 1 Overwatch, which did exist, does not equate to the requirement of “the strawman”.

You should know better.

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I’ve made no such claims

not at all

this data is invalid to support the claim being made

for starters, the data you are referring to is usage data, not popularity data

these are two different kinds of data

as I have already clarified, it was (and is) a strawman argument.

I don’t see the point of continuing a “yes it is” “oh no it isn’t” etc etc etc “discussion”, so I won’t be commenting on this specific item further in this thread

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Technically. I run into far too many stacks that are obviously running tank/support heavy comps because they cannot win in 222. Longer queues because less players. Running into a lot of throwers because nobody takes it seriously. The overall experience is only worth it because the queue times are not 10 minutes. But at a certain point, you have to ask yourself if it is worth it to wait 3 minutes for matches like THAT.

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Usage and popularity can be inferred from each other. If it is not popular, it will not be used.

It seems to me that you’re rejecting any data that doesnt support your claims.

Please clarify what you mean by “bribes”

QPC is the iteration of Quickplay that came after the ORIGINAL (classic) quickplay, therefore his argument is not strawman, its technically accurate.

You aren’t allowed to just make up your own definitions of things.

A strawman argument has to be made with either hypothetical existance of a start point, or hypothetical existance of an end point.

A “strawman” is the creation of point which didn’t exist to base an argument off of.

The No Limits version of Overwatch did exist. You saying you won’t address it doesn’t make it a strawman, it makes you lazy.

Because you don’t know what a strawman argument is. That isn’t a cyclic discussion. You’re just wrong.

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Nice to know. I didn’t imagine that the state was like that, I will actually retract my statement if what you say it’s true.

To be fair, there is no permanent competitive addition of no limits. I agree it is not a straw man, but at the same time, it is not relevant in the slightest either. He is comparing open queue to role queue as they pertain to major modes of selection.

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I’d debate that - pretty much all the arguments that can be applied to OQ VS RQ can also be applied to No Limits VS OQ (maybe not queue times). Surely if you really want more freedom you should be arguing for No Limits Comp over QPC?

not at all

the two types of data are entirely different.

One cannot for example look at consumption rates for hamburger and steak and validly conclude hamburger is more preferred/popular

everyone is entitled to their opinions, regardless of how close or far from the truth those opinions might be

in any case, my personal stance on any matter has nothing whatsoever to do with the validity or invalidity of a given set of data.

A set of data is valid or invalid on its own merits or lack thereof

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Opinions are fine. Constantly asking for data to verify opinions then rejecting said data is a little silly though.

Please state your arguments as to why these points are only alleged and not true:

  • Tanks do not need to be balanced and playable for 1/4/1 AND 3/3 with 222.
  • 222 removed bad quality solo healer/tank games.
  • QPC means people feel forced to pick tanks/healers when they didnt want to and didnt choose to beforehand.
  • 222 removed many of the old “i can tell we’re gonna lose before we even left spawn” games where 4 people all decided to throw because they couldnt all pick Genji.

Why do you think the devs would destroy their game for the sake of OWL?

Clearly restating the problem will clear this issue up.

I know of no valid data that supports the concept that OQ is more used/popular than RQ, whereas we DO have data that RQ was more used on release. Could you explain why you think that situation has changed?

Please clarify what you mean by “bribes”?

I already covered this in an statement earlier in this thread

I won’t be responding further to this specific item in this thread

Avian writes;

Focus is on the “its the actual Quick Play Classic”. That statement is 100% true, and you can verify it. It was in response to a comment made above stateing;

So what I glean from that exchange is this.

Avian made a comment about the fact, if you want Quick Play Classic on the main game menu, then you should also want the original iteration of said mode.

Instead of challanging that statement, Mega just called it a strawman to ignore them. That is a very lazy and disingenuous way to debate. I would actually be offended if that type of comment were aimed in my direction, as I would know the person whom I am discussing something with is intentionally whifing and trying to gain the upper hand by feigning intelligence.

I don’t want more freedom so much as I don’t like being locked to a role. It is just too extreme of a mode for me in the same way open queue is just too much for 222 fans and there is even an extremist group on the other end that wants it to be locked to main tank, off tank, main healer, off healer, hitscan dps, and projectile dps.

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with being a fan of any mode on that spectrum. It is just that the game only really caters to 222 and leaves open queue and no limits there as a “at your own peril” clown Fiesta. At least open queue is permanent, though. So it could always be worse. I mean, the fans of heavy restrictions can only use custom modes or whatever. Sucks to be them.

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You have replied to the statement you quoted, but not the question i added to it: Why do you think that situation has changed?

Yeah, its a shame - the devs cant balance every mode, they have to focus on one - balancing is both impossible to achieve and really hard to get even close. There were some really horrible problems with OQ like, how do you balance 1 shield VS 6DPS without giving the shield uber health, when you can have 3 shields that you dont want to have uber health? Same thing applied to healing. That kind of stuff meant you either got bad games at low levels and restricted “best comps” at high levels :confused:

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So you say. But for us in the back of the classroom where we can’t hear so well, we are ASKING you to restate the problem. Because honestly we don’t get it.

Not going to lie, right now it just sounds like a bunch of whining dressed up in mathematics. Totally down and open minded if you can make it sound a teensy bit more like a logical argument. Can you do that for us?


No… it was deffinatly not. Atleast not as Tank or Support player. For these roles role-q improved the game by a lot.

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Yeah, to be honest, I probably would have never started tanking or supporting without role queue. Not just because of the queue times, obviously that is the most relevant factor. But I would be scared to solo heal as Zen. Rofl.

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