Overwatch was better before Role Queue

But open Q divides the playerbase in a positive way

By Soaking up damage players It reduces Q times in both modes

The developers also confirmed this

Having open queue for the quick play menu makes sense for the above reason as well as for UI consistency Between the quick play and competitive cards

It also frees up a slot in the arcade and makes the arcade menu less cluttered

It could be argued though that people will miss out on loot boxes So that is something to consider

Overall I think it makes sense to have it in the main screen

Not really? The developers themselves said they were surprised at the success of the open queue

Evidently there is enough interest to warrant it having a place on the main screen

You left out a big, possibly the single biggest reason to want to open Q Which is reduced Q times. Single hero limit does not add any queue time

However I will agree that there are some good arguments there in favour of having no limits although they are quite different to the reasons for open Q. It’s not just less restrictive , it’s less restrictive with Zero meaningful benefit to queue times. In fact, as covered already it could potentially increase Q times

I followed that thread closely and I would say that you are misrepresenting what was said .

But then wouldn’t that be representative of usage and not preference?


Is this still the case though? WIth priority passes, having more DPS in RQ in the flex queue for passes would make the overall queue times better I’d assume.

We don’t know what their expectations were, I also don’t know if the context applies to overall interest in it or the difference between the regions.

I think it makes sense to have competitive OQ simply because it’s the competitive card but I wouldn’t expect to see competitive CTF, Deathmatch and all that other stuff in there.

Not necessarily, if they are motivated to be good they’d want to be good in the thing that matters. I don’t think there’s much clout in being top 500 in CTF or something like that.

Eitherway, I think my poll shows preference but yeah, I don’t speak those other languages or know what platforms they use to discuss so I’m not going to venture into that.

I disagree with that. They couldn’t provide anything else to back up the argument and insisted on an unspecified amount of people conveyed though the word “many” was sufficient for the discussion about a rather impactful subject.

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Sure, but depends on the mods.
In QP it can have a big impact but in Comp? I doubt DPS players are going to “suffer” to get Passes in order to save 2-3 mins per queues. Really doubt it.

Same was done with RQ with absolutely zero official info, just random claims of RQ being chosen and the preferred method of playing “by the vast majority of players”, but then again bias exists.

One of the biggest problems this game has is player education and it has spread so much that even Developers were surprised to see that the actual True Flex players were the minority and most of the players are either onetricks or Main X role.

If you ask them then whats better, RQ will win (not by much really, all non official polls are skewed) but in reality, in a game like OW, the mode that severs choice and encourages lack of versatility is the worse.

Better and popular are 2 different concepts.

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Yeah, but the thing in my opinion is that it’s the minority of flex players that actually hard carried OQ pre RQ. The whole system relied on either people who enjoyed flexing or felt like they had to flex for a realistic chance at winning. I was the latter, I’d queue games hoping to play a role or hero I wanted but often after looking at all the instalocks had to flex whatever was needed and often times my hero pool was expanded through having to play the meta tank or support, Learning how to play them in comp to the point where I became good enough to play them at my ELO and sometimes climbing as well. So even though theoretically it was more open, I was mostly stuck flexing the same heroes for a season/patch.

Which one of the 10s that he posted or talked about?

Main problem is that the “minority” was probably not like a 4%, but close to a 20% and RQ killed the game for those. There has been a massive exodus of True Flex players early 2019 (we saw the queue times increase on stupid levels) and multiple threads of people here.

Now the vast majority of those players are out, OW is definitely worse because the lack of versatility has won so yeah, the title is true. This has been said multiple times:
RQ fixed some things and brought more problems than it solved.

PS: And yes, many of those problems could be solved with LFG, but due to player behaviour (people are lazy and want it all in 1 button), working on that solution/tool was not worth it.

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When I say Flex I don’t mean people who flex to different roles throughout the game, I mean the ones who had to play tank or support, sometimes solo, because no one else are going to do it. Those players are still here and probably enjoy RQ a lot.

The one with millions of views?

Open Q really was good for Quickplay. But not as much as competitive. in SOME aspects.

I THINK the healthiest approach to this SHOULD have been this design for Competitive:

Slot 1 : Tank role.
Slot 2: Healer role.
Slots 3-6 : OPEN Q.

Truth: Im not picking healer because I care about ANYONE on the team. I am a DPS player picking the healer role because I’d rather be DPS’ing… BUT the line is TOO LONG.

I think the same can be said about quite a few other people here. That they are not picking tank or healing roles because they want to. But because they want LOW Q times. Which creates this gap in the game called PLAYER FRUSTRATION. People complain about the Quality of healers and tanks being “awful”. But have to realize that we aren’t picking those roles because we truly care about the mission.

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…so…don’t play RQ??? lol.

I only play OQ. And it’s still fun for me.

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And yet you still talk to them :slight_smile: - Seriously we had polls across different forums, Blizzards data, queue times in smaller regions, and top500 and they all agree.

There has been NO evidence against - not one. All of the reasonable people have already worked it out.

For the few who just want to block their ears constantly and ignore the massive amount of data, then there isn’t much you can do with them.

Some people will believe the world is flat, some people believe the moon landings were fake.

There just isn’t anything you can do for them.


Yeah, this is basically my last attempt with the poll. People are going to dismiss it for various reasons but I’ll just drop the link to it in any new thread on the topic and leave it at that.

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Really? I think I can conclude exactly that. What kind of pipe are you toking?!!?!?!?

Honestly this is getting weird. But I am into it.

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So you want role q deleted? Well in the immortal words of Sun Tzu: Do you honestly think it will change?

It illustrates the difference between prefererence/popularity and usage

Usage data: is measured by sales, not a survey. folks eat more hamburger. Probably a LOT more.

Preference/popularity data: Requires a survey to measure. I am confident most folks would prefer to eat a steak.

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That doesn’t look like SR inflation, but, rather, an indicator of the low popularity of Open Queue compared to it’s counterpart. 3.1k is only low Diamond, not that far away from Gold; and the fact that the entry point to Top 500 is so low simply confirms the lower player count for the mode.

The player in question functions better in the more malleable environment with less competition, than in a more densely populated setting, where he gets outplayed more often by role specialists and, thus, his SR getting pushed down as the result. (I’m personally familiar with this phenomenon, as I am too, consistently ranked higher in OQ than on even my strongest performing role in RQ).

Given Dodo’s main fight he keeps having, that is pretty funny :slight_smile:

Right, but in that case there is a massive difference in price. In OQ vs RQ terms it is an extra button click.

As it is, given the price/time to get being added in, yeah, hamburgers ARE more popular.

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Trying to force an Arcade FPS into an MMO queue system… you wonder why Overwatch is like #40 on Twitch lol.

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Tf2 comp does, paladins does, etc. It is a hero shooter, you have to if you are going to have balanced comps.

Sadly, While MMO queue system isn’t the thing Blizzard brought over from MMOs (it was from other hero shooters). Lack of Tank / Support options, leading to the same issues.

I doubt it

I feel pretty confident that in a survey, people asked whether they prefer steak or hamburger would choose steak overwhelmingly