Overwatch progress lost with psn change

Hopefully because it’s not fair how others didn’t but we were the unlucky ones that lost everything?

I wonder if it also resets your reports/bans?

I was level 391. Only one gold weapon, but had a decent amount of skins. I started during the winter event. 31k coins that I was saving for the new event, and all the achievement sprays unlocked, including Baptiste’s. I don’t wanna lose it all.

Hey everyone, we’re digging into this issue now. Apologies for the hassle for any of you affected. We’ll follow up with more information in this thread as we have it.


I play on Xbox which doesn’t have this problem, but I’m curious to see what gets done about this, I would go crazy if I lost all of my stuff. Has anyone tried changing their gamertag back to what it was? Maybe that’ll work.

Yeah I just lost everything, except a random 58 loot boxes for some reason

Ever since I change my name I cant even open up the main menu im jus stuck trying to enter the game over and over

Hey everyone, thanks for being patient. We’ve identified accounts that were affected by this problem and have repaired 82% of them. We will continue to work on repairs until all accounts are fixed up.

Important to note that we cannot repair an account that is logged in, so if you’re affected by this we recommend staying offline if possible (logging in to check if you’re repaired is ok).

If you’d like to post here noting that your account is fixed, or still broken, we appreciate the extra detail as we verify our fixes.

Thanks again and sorry for the hassle.

edit: This issue is exceptionally rare and very few accounts were affected. As a note for anyone who finds this thread, you are fine to change your account name.


I can confirm I got everything back to normal, thanks guys!

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I just logged in to check and it still has nothing. I logged off now to allow it to be fixed. Old username was HiDannyHiMusic, new username is AverageHanzo. Let me know if you need anything else from me!

i was one of the accounts affected, two hours ago it wasn’t fixed, and i just logged in and checked now and it’s completely resolved! everything’s back to normal. thanks so so so so so so so much.

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Crossing my fingers that mine is next lol.

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yeah, maybe just stay logged out for an hour and then check again? i even played a few matches when my account was messed up and got all my old stuff back so i’m sure it’ll be fine for you too!

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I just got fixed thank you guys for the help

I’m confident in Blizzard. They’re super responsive and by far one of the best dev teams out there. I’ll just relax and wait it out and check later like you said. I’m happy yours is good!

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hi! my account was one of the account that had the problem my old id was FuZe_Heartattack my new one is ToxicPrincessxo i hope this helps

I’m glad I’m finally able to change my PSN name but I grew cautious to do it on my main account so I tested it on an alt first and it was fine so I’m gonna go ahead and change my main now and I’ll leave an update on how it went afterwards

EDIT: The change was a success and I still have all my progress. Like I said I’m so glad I was finally able to change my PSN ID because I’ve had the account since I was like 11 and had JUST gotten my PS3 so my old name was super generic and was just my first name and last initial followed by 1234, now to see if I’ve used the free name change for BNet or not so all my accounts have the same theme…

I too lost all my progress 10 minutes ago, confident there would be no problem changing my name having read Sony’s list. >:(

My account has still not been fixed yet, old account name was Kobey_Snipes my new one is WeebChan- 82 percent fixed and mine is still broken lol! Hope my problem can be resolved! I had actually began playing on it and got it to level 6 but I got on today and it was level 1 again!!!

my account got affected by the psn ID change. I was previously Govlyn, changed it to Ninjusu

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