Overwatch players are weak

They’re two separate groups of people.

Just as there are still WoW players and there are still CoD players who buy microtransactions and play, there are still OW players who do the same.

There are also those of us who quit.


I just wish this community would organize a boycott…it’s well overdue. I miss overwatch. It’s my most played game of all time, but I just can’t bare to play it anymore. So many problems.


Rank is still here? Also there is OQ too

But the overpricing of skins are rediculous.

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That’s because overwatch has a PvP game we’ve already been psychologically trained and have accepted overwatch as a pvp game yeah PvE not coming as it was promised and being lied to is definitely bad and we should definitely hold that against them.

Overwatchs pve has always been lack luster we get our skins we get our titles and then we move on. Thought there are a lot of people out there who really care about pve still there’s not enough people who do to go to the extents of what your talking about within the current environment.

Essentially rioting for a PvP game about PvE when we’ve already payed for and accepted a pvp game for so long.

Am I saying your emotions or invalid? No. Am I saying we should just ignore and move on no.

Your just missing multiple psychological requirements that would require players to get on board with this.

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I disagree about your feelings on weak OW players, but I hope you find a game you like. It probably is hard to let go after playing so much. WoW was the same for many.Good luck out there! HAPPY Gaming


No, it’s an illusion. I dove deep into the ranked system and found it’s just straight up fake. A ranked system puts you with other similarly skilled players and you play with and against better and better players the more you win. OW2 puts bronze players in diamond games, gold players in GM games etc. It’s just not a ranked system. Matchmaking is no different in ranked than it is in QP. More info and proof here Exposing Blizzards Boosting


Outside of matchmaking itself still being messed up the rank bugs have actually been fixed. Yes I know the people have already been boosted but they are dropping back to there original ranks its just gonna take a minute.

I don’t think most people are saying “OMG I HATE YOU BLIZZARD!” Just people on these forums. Which is like .0001% of the player base, lol.

It’s more like “PvE is cancelled that sucks! But I still have fun playing this game, and wow that skin is cool take my money!”

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If there was another hero shooter as high quality as OW2 that would happen here too.

But in this genre there’s no FF14 to WOW.


pretty sure they boosted ranks in s4 to match your rank icon to your mmr. So if ur mmr is diamond ur getting the diamond title. Also why does everybody show ow1 seasons like people can’t improve?

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Calling OW players weak is a bit rude, don’t you think? Not everyone feels the way you do. Believe it or not, many people like OW2 more than OW1, myself included.


has been like this for years and that is why the game has been bad for so long.


It’s because people in there games are playing this way or that way or some way they don’t like. But tbh there could be a lot of things going on. For example I went from plat to masters on support. Whenever there’s no one in coms however I play like a bronze player.

The way I climbed in overwatch 2 was that U developed a all new way to use Baptiste Ultimate that wasn’t even used by pro players or even owl that I called “Ult breaking” heck apparently it’s actually became semi popular I’ve even noticed ashes will hold there bobs for entire games until they see a Baptiste use window.

There’s also the addition of new heros and how heros change, legit only reason I never climbed in ow1 was because of symmetra and double shield or pirate ship something people would always fall back on. If I had “true skills” I could of out player her. But thats the thing thats not a skill comp and heck if no ones in vc you kiindda just lost all 2cp maps against sym.

Even in ow2 people still do it and you can still see people on the forums complain about it. And this is the difference between ow1 and 2 now I don’t need to do quantum physics to figure out how to play against double shield bastion sym and hit every single sleep and do this and that with Bap to actually do something now I can just kill people.

There’s like so many things different in ow2 (entire maps and a entire hero being removed and new heros added) that people just don’t factor in. I was hard stuck gold/plat in ow1 on tank you know how I got to diamond? WITH JUNKERQUEEN DURING HOG ORISA META! On my profile I maintain a 56-57 as of right now a 58% win rate this season with jq. These people meanwhile have the nerve to telle I don’t deserve to climb then when I open they profiles its zarya dva season 1 and hog orisa season 2. Heck I could of probably abused op broken crap as well in ow1 if I was that kinda person. And then got on my own high horse about how people are so boosted and bad and yada yada. That’s all they do in higher elos anyways is abuse meta. But I just found that boring.

I legit didn’t notice how much fun I wasn’t having in ow1 until ow2 now it feels like everything I do actually has some meaning or some purpose. There are 5 people on the enemy team all I have to kill is 1 this is a big factor in ow2 you only got to kill 1 person so hay if Im missing shots or if I die and get outskilled a lot of the time unless my teams really bad there’s no one to blame but myself.
I’ve lost a lot of games because of 1 major mistake I’ve made. But hay at least now I could of won had I not made those mistakes.

You know what my mistake was in ow1? Not getting a stack and going freaking pirate ship or double shield and tping to point every game whenever I started losing…

(Sorry that was longer then I intended read it if you wish can’t really do a tldr).

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To protest your ridiculous post, I just proved you wrong.

I budgeted $25 a month for OW1. I don’t have kids or a partner, and my dogs are extremely pampered.

I am STILL spending the same amount of money to show Blizzard their poor decisions won’t affect me. I just bought 2.2k gold. Boom :exploding_head:


Nope that’s proven false with the screen shots in my post. That person didn’t even play enough to place rank the first 2 seasons of OW2, played 10 games S3 and were gold 2 right where they left off in OW1, then S4 they’re diamond 5 for winning 2 games with a 20% win rate. Best case scenario if they won all 10 of their season 3 games, which is very unlikely, that should only be 250 SR which would have put them in plat 5.

Idk how much you guys have to be lied to by these devs to believe they’d manipulate ranked in shady ways too. Blizz are literally the shadiest devs on the planet right now. Sad that some people still can’t see that.

You can’t exactly organize a boycott when only A FRACTION OF A FRACTION of the playerbase actually participates in forum discussions on any and all platforms.

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I for one am the only console player on the forums (ps4).

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The WoW community largely acted the same because there wasn’t a viable competitor to it that could at all compete with the amount of content or the base level quality WoW had. The second a decent one entered the scene promising to improve upon WoW’s promises appears and actually shows that they’re willing to do it (alongside sponsoring the hell out of WoW streamers to transition), the community moves to a better solution.

What would you propose take that place for Overwatch players? A lot of players do play for fun, and unless you give them something to fill their days with worth learning, Overwatch fills that niche for them better than anything else.

But also this.

You went on about this in other threads, are you the guy who was hardstuck plat telling people higher than plat that no one above plat was real? Or were you the guy stuck in silver who was plat once upon a time claiming that they can’t rank up and it’s their teammates that are the problem?

Not to say that the ranked system is fantastic, but it is still a fair one. Everyone is just as likely to have bad teammates or a badly proportioned team as each other. Competitively speaking it is fair on average, and people who are better than their rank will win more often than they lose, and since it bases rank on wins vs losses, it will rank people pretty accurately.

Is it always correct? No. But over time with more and more data people will approach their true rank.

Should it be improved? Oh my god yes. It’s not good at the moment.



And as discussed by others. Mmr could still be affected by other game modes. If they were just a qp player, they could have improved drastically. The system has plenty of reason to rank them up.

Failing that. Outliers exist, a single screenshot isn’t proof of a conspiracy. You need a clear trend of data. A proper dataset.

Neither? I peaked masters and have spent most my time in diamond.

That’s not a ranked system. A system that’s puts bronze players in diamond and gold players in GM is not a ranked system, it’s casual quick play with medals. Ranked systems put similar skilled players in matches together. Diamonds and bronze players are far from similarly skilled.

This is not true anymore… because ranks don’t exist and just before I quit I deranked for winning more than I lost. There are plenty of high rank streamers saying they cannot take ranked seriously anymore either because they too understand blizzard has seriously destroyed thr ranked system.

I have provided proof that blizz is boosting players to fill out the less populated higher ranks, and it doesn’t take a scientist to understand when overwatch queue times are all 1 minute you are NOT getting competitive matchmaking.

MMR is not effected by other game modes, the devs have confirmed that. This is just you making up excuses because you don’t want to believe what the evidence I provided implies. I’m aware it’s one screenshot, I acknowledged that in my post and predicted responses such as yours which is why I provided an easy way for everyone to observe this themselves. If you are higher than Plat, examine profiles from players in your games and do the math on how they achieved diamond + and you will find that on average, half the players in all your games are boosted. This is extremely common and I could gather far more data on this if I wanted to spend the time doing that but it’s easier for me to just tell you to do it yourself.

Besides, if I did take the time to put a lot of evidence together, people like you would still make up excuses because it’s normalized these days to ignore objective truths and deny evidence that goes against what you want to believe. So I’m not going to waste my time. I provided the simple methods you can do yourself if you are actually seeking truth.

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OW players aren’t weak, they’re divided.

There are enough players who were never interested in the PvE so it being shuttled isn’t enough to spur us into action.

Even the changes to the store, or the switch to 5v5… while annoying… didn’t destroy the game in my eyes. It changed it to something different, but not necessarily something worse, and certainly not a worth a “gamers lets rise up!” moment.

The stuff happening with COD right now is a little different in my eyes. If any of you, or any streamer, were banned by blizz for saying something as innocuous as “leave kids alone”, then I’d stand with you.