Overwatch not Saving your Settings. Solution!

Hello! I’ve been trying to fix this problem for a long time and after trying deleting folders, using repair tool, and giving permissions i ended up with the following solution:

So basically Windows is not allowing programs to create or modify folders in your PC, in this case Windows is not allowing Overwatch to modify your in-game settings as Windows may be recognizing Overwatch as a “harmful app” as said below

Controlled folder access in Windows Defender Security Center reviews the apps that can make changes to files in protected folders. Occasionally, an app that is safe to use will be identified as harmful. This happens because Microsoft wants to keep you safe and will sometimes err on the side of caution; however, this might interfere with how you normally use your PC. You can add an app to the list of safe or allowed apps to prevent them from being blocked.

here is what you have to do:

  1. Select “Start” > “Settings” .
  2. Choose “Update & security” > " Windows Defender."
  3. Select Open “Windows Defender Security Center”.
  4. Select “Virus & threat protection”, and then choose "Virus & threat protection settings.
  5. Under Controlled folder access, turn it on or off.

Windows 10 not allowing the game to write the files seems to be my problem. I have the game files installed on a different drive than my Windows 10 drive. I wonder if that is the reason why I dont have an Overwatch folder in my documents. Also, I could’nt change the permissions on my documents folder even though I am administrator. Your approach to the problem seems right, but didnt work for me - neither setting “Controlled folder access” to ON (with exceptions) nor OFF. I am just amazed that this issue is still around years after launch. I will post here when I find a solution.

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Thank you so much !!! I sought it was impossible for me to change my graphics, now it works. Thanks a lot :ok_hand:.

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Did you ever solve this?

I dont see a controlled folder access. Or a place to add an exclusion. It was just titled security center not windows defender for me, could that be an issue?

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I was dealing with this issue and couldn’t find anything that worked, but then this reddit thread had the answer for me. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/4qautu/settings_not_saving_after_restart_problems/d4rhyfg/
Basically, you have to run overwatch.exe as admin, so that an Overwatch folder is created in the “Documents” directory (if it wasn’t already there). After you do this, find the settings file in the Documents folder (it was under the “Settings” directory for me) and go to Properties. Remove the check mark for “Read-only”.

After that, I ran the app as admin again and made the changes to the settings, when I restarted this time it was saved! Hopefully this helps other people that are running into the same issue.


Cette méthode à fonctionné pour moi
Vérifie dans le centre de sécurité de Windows / Protection contre les virus et menaces / Protection contre les ransomware, Que le dispositif d’accès contrôle aux dossiers sois désactivé

I’m having the same problem you mentioned. How did you come to the solution? If you solved it.