Overwatch Megapatch 3.0 (balance suggestions)

Never got the point of this whole fake soul thing, just seems like it’s complicating everything. How about instead, Mercy just dashes where she is looking for a short time with a longer cooldown, instead of having to completely rely on her team mates’ positioning?

It’s basically more akin to Genji dash just with shorter speed, no damage, and possibly longer range.

Its to give it the double utility option but dont give her total free movement bc it’d be a bit too op

This is a way to give her free movement but not make her fricking tracer

Gives more counterplay and is more skill based

Well it could work as it does now, but if you don’t target an ally, it moves you a short distance and sets a longer cooldown, like 8 seconds instead of the 2 seconds it would be normally. It’s a little emergency boost but would leave her vulnerable if not used correctly.

Orisa doesn’t need any changes at the moment. She’s getting a lot more playing time now especially since she synergizes so well with Baptiste and her speed reduction buff makes playing her feel a lot better.

I agree!

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Some of them are great but I disagree with some

I don’t think Winston needs any buff now, he can still reliably kill snipers and he still have a good pick and win rate.

Part of me really want Orisa to have a resources meter Fortify but I don’t really think she need a buff right now

It is a good idea but it might make Bucker too strong maybe slightly nerf other parts of Bastion?

I would agree this before Junkrat got a faster projectiles, maybe just make it 0.25 size is enough

Armor would be better and I don’t think she needs a passive

I agree with the TP changes but I don’t think she needs more turret, both Sym and Torb rework is meant to make them less dependent on their turret

This sounds like Scottish Resistance in Team Fortress 2. I liked that weapon but sometimes it was clunky to use.

The only way I can think to place a second mine would be pressing the interact key to toggle off the normal detonation. Like how Sombra can now destroy her translocator using the interact key.

How I would set it up

  • interact key disables detonation when deploying a second mine
  • deploying a third mine detonates the other two and takes you out of the alternate detonation mode
  • pressing the interact key a 2nd time returns you to normal detonation mode
  • while normal detonation is disabled your mines become visible through walls
  • while normal detonation is disabled mines only detonate while either in proximity to you (4 meters?) or in proximity to your crosshair

This would still allow you to blast jump and attack enemies while also having a mine deployed on a trap. Having the mines visible through walls would be to prevent accidental detonation of a mine on a trap via crosshair proximity. Or you could make a double mine trap.

Another thing that would be great that’s from TF2. Is keeping his current damage falloff while the mine is detonated in the air. But decrease the falloff while it is placed on the ground.

And honestly I wouldn’t mind having a 2nd trap charge as well. Since they removed his area denial from his frag launcher a 2nd trap would be nice.

i would have her repair packs have 3 charges. similar to how tracers blink works.
heals 50+25 armor
each charge takes 2 secs to come back
if you use all 3 charges there is a 6 sec to get them back

inspire healing
primary fire now only gets self healing for the brig player / decreased to 13
hitting whip shot gives inspire to team / inspire uptime stays 6 secs
team inspire increased to 20 hps

teammates also get the speed boost / not stackable with lucio
armor last 45 secs
automatically recharges all repair packs
inspire is up during entire ult regardless if whip shot was landed or not

i would only recommend doing these whatever year 2-2-2 is enforced however

Some interesting ideas!

i did have an idea where TP would deploy a personal bubble barrier with some little hp

but i went against it because it would make turret bombs a bit too OP,

although having TP give 75 shields to everyone 10-12m arround it would make it have a lot more utility

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I feel like some of your suggestions would make heroes wayyy too OP.
For example, Orisa is performing insanely good right now (5% pickrate, 60% winrate gm), I would love fortify on resource but on top of halt it would make her OP,
winstons change might make him OP, I’d make it 600 to 700 instead
hogs doing really good right now with orisa, if these two buffs came in they’d be completely unstoppable, I think leave roadhog, might need a slight buff, but the feeding thing is pretty much only of his only weaknesses

for junkrat, I think we should still wait and see, he’s better as a niche pick as he destroys lower ranked, honestly he might need a slight redesign like u did with bastion, these changes for junk would be OP imo.

mcree… eh. he’s okay to be honest, though these buffs wouldn’t hurt.
though the flashbang radius buff is definitely uncessary, flashbang is somewhat a skillshot since you can basically one shot with it, let it stay that way

mei doesn’t need buffs, i get it’s qol, but she should never be a good hero, ever.

i like the pharah changes

i LOVE the reaper changes! so good! best changes in the thread imo

soldiers pretty good at the moment, but this isn’t too bad

these sym changes are DEFINITELY op, ignore what these forums say, sorry but they’re a bunch of biased sym mains, sym is actually very close to balanced, she needs only needs qol changes and maybe a slight buff to tp. that’s it.

this would also be OP, especially and it would rek lower ranks. torb is doing insanely well like orisa, his pickrate is very healthy and his winrate is INSANE (60%)

i love the baptiste change he definitely needs it

brig change would certainly make her OP, your decreasing the cooldown, giving her two charges, yet still the same effect, this would make her a monster, we’ve only JUST recovered from that.

mercy doesn’t need buffs, in fact she’s meta right now.

i love the moira change

overall, I think you definitely need to consider not going overboard with buffs, but pretty good changes in general, good job.

i think thats a bit too much of a change, i really didnt want to alter the functionalities of the heroes Too much

one main differnece is that the scottish resistance only detonated the mines you have within “LOS” (because you could still see them through walls, you just had to see their outline)

this one will detonate the closest mine to your reticle, regardless of line or sight or not, youd really just instantly detonate the mine you already threw out because your already looking at its general direction because you just threw it

your idea seems a bit too complicated, tbh

everyone should be a good hero eventually,

im not using what the Forums say, im a symmetra main myself, maybe i could go without the turret changes (although would be greatly welcome) but the TP changes are 100% necesary to adress her clunkyness

he isnt though…his winrate still shows that he is a niche pick because its inflated massively reaching almost 60% on GM with a med pickrate of 2.2%, plus in general, his turrets throwing mechanics do feel very cluncky, it can go without the hpbuffs but the throwing must be fixed

Well no…the effect is 50% as strong in both situations, and her inspire is weaker as well as a tradeoff.

i thought about this before, but i didnt put it this time arround because i didnt feel it was that necesary

No it was proximity to reticle/los and proximity to player so you could still use sticky grenades for blast jumping. It’s just that the proximity to reticle/los was kinda big so if you were farther away it made it more difficult to detonate only a single group of stickies. It felt like you had a cone with the big end away from you so the farther away you were the more stickies it highlighted. But what we needed was more like a cylinder it’s a shame they never changed that.

Your version there’s no way to actually implement it. Without just allowing him to deploy a 2nd mine without it automatically detonating the 1st. Right now if you deploy 1 that one will detonate as soon as you deploy the 2nd. If you turn that function off it means it means detonation in proximity to reticle is the only way to detonate which is something you really don’t want. Having used the scottish resistance for a good amount of time myself I know how clunky and frustrating that can be. If you have a way to toggle the reticle detonation on and off it will be better.

Hell no. I think he is fine where he is now. I dont want to see Bastion 1.0 back again…

Without cooldown this hero could be even more broken & unbalanced…

Also im kinda glad that youre not in the balancing team cause most of your suggestions are just gonna break these heroes & make them more useless…
Plus bunch these heroes are pretty balanced anyways. They dont need any changes.

Aand im right about 1 thing which is that goats arent even that common anymore.
Stop complaining about metas / stop trying to delete them. Goats/3-3 is just a meta where dive, moth, 222, etc is…

Did you even read the suggestion from magy

  1. this would be on resource meter, old bastion shield was perm
  2. this would have less health
  3. bastion couldn’t fire while his shield is up

Pay lore attention to the thread though

Its nothing alike bastion 1.0


Lmao I did… He doesnt need that. Bastion is fine anyways. Same with these other heroes btw.

And you meant lore by more I believe?

But i didnt mention goats in all the thread

Oh really? That sucks… But im not blind.

Well that was like…once u got me there

But what does that have to do with trying to delete goats?

she is good, she isn’t bad, just map dependant, i see no problem with this.

i dont think you realize how much 1.2s is, I’m all for a faster tp, but definitely start with something like 1.8, 0.8s is huge for an insane ability like TP.
turret changes would definitely make her OP as well, you pretty much couldn’t move with it since 4 turrets AND additional 50dps more turrets to destroy etc. it would just be so OP man.

he’s picked more than most dps, and his winrate is nearly 10% higher than sombra who these forums r saying is op and really picked in owl (tho who cares), also, he’s more of a cheese character, 2.2% pickrate is really good for a hero who’s niche, ESPECIALLY the winrate, also 2.2% isn’t a niche pickrate, i would say under 1% is more niche

see, it also adds up to 150 still
inspire change isn’t that big of a deal imo, still same on her.