Can junkrat have two traps?

Honestly, I think he is already good against dive, with his high dmg and mobility.
But it would be interesting. Thing is, trap is usually off cooldown when theres a enemy trapped, so they can already deploy another at their escape route.

Also we don’t need more cc in this world where we’re already controlled by events out of our control.

Maybe if they had to be a minimum distance apart, like 25m or something. Junkrat’s fine right now though.

Sorry, but if Junkrat were “fine” people wouldn’t scream at you to swap off of him damn near every game, even at high SR.

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Nah I need those mines to feel like I’m a good player :slight_smile:

You’re probably going to have to half the duration though.

I play a LOT of Junkrat and this would just not be a good buff for him. It also wouldn’t help any against dive.

What if I put them on top of eachother and get an instakill on 200 hp heroes

Sure lets give him 5 more ammo as well because why not.

I would like this if they halved the duration of being stuck in a trap (it actually has a 1 second stun & a 3 second root, holy moly)

So, a 0.5 second stun & a 1.5 second root in exchange for 2 traps. That would be cool imo. I hope they try it. Less frustrating CC in terms of duration but more area denied with multiple traps

Always thought he ahould have two traps, and less visible at that

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2 traps 1 mine. 2 mines were a mistake, another way of powercreep. Also they arent really mines, u just throw AOE bombs into the enemies face or do the nade+mine combo to kill someone in a cheesey way.

Junkrat is a interesting hero, i like his design and his stupid voice lines. I wish he would be a hero which is more appealing with a reworked high skill ceiling and floor, a good pick for defence points.

Current Junkrat can be only as good as he is now without being broken. Shame actually, for a designated pro-play shooter, Junk could be so much more imo, rather then a spambot.

P.s.: Maybe 2 mines, one for damage, other for a big leap on a high CD…anyway something could be for sure done to make him more interesting.

Frankly i think we should be able to jump over it, i don’t see why it has that much vertical space to begin with, it is visually deceptive, even more so with Zenyatta, Sigma, and Echo floating, maybe because they don’t want people constantly jumping to avoid a trap or those characters not being penalized? idk.

I could hear the screams of rage from dive players…

Lets not. Getting trapped is already a death sentence on most heroes that are not tanks. Lets not replace a remote mine (an actually interactive and versatile ability) with a set and forget CC ability that having 2 would make the already low skillfloor of the ability even lower.

haha and get dived is a sentence of death on many heros to. xd

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Maybe if both are active you can press the same button that throws out the mine to switch between which to detonate

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I don’t see how that is relevant but okay. Most heroes have some tool to deal with being dived and if they don’t then you are probably playing the wrong hero for the situation or your team isn’t peeling for you. If you get stuck in a trap, unless you have a free invulnerability button like Mei or Reaper or have the defensive capabilities and HP of some tanks, you are very likely to die if anybody is in the vicinity. I’m not saying it’s busted or anything cause it’s not but I certainly wouldn’t want 2 of those things hiding around the map. That just sounds like pure frustration.

That’s actually a very good idea.

Yeah I think if both are out you can do that. But also at the same time if you are able to throw out a new mine while someone is on top of you itt would automatically switch to the active mine as soon as you throw it and immediately detonate.

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Something I came up with last year.

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