Overwatch Dev Update: Closed Beta (SUS)

We don’t even know Sojourn’s abilities yet, the character that has been revealed and showcased, lol.

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Reminder what I said about PC Gaming dying…

Well it’s not mobile that’s killing it… It’s Next Gen.

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True, we don’t really know the numbers, cooldowns, or properties, but we got the general gist:

  • Primary fire: rapid fire, similar to Soldier:76
  • Secondary fire: charged attack similar to Winston’s new one, but probably dealing more damage.
  • Ability 1: some sort of grenade/projectile fired from her arm (based on icon and highlight intro)
  • Ability 2: some sort of sliding-dash that may allow her to gain additional height if jumped timely.
  • Ultimate: automatically charges her railgun multiple times over a duration.

Individual passive is speculative, as not every hero has one, though they should, in my eyes.

What? do you even understand the context of backstab? it’s a grave betrayal, if you feel that deeply about a company or a game and you don’t do it for a living, seek professional help.

Companies are not your friend, they are not your ally.

When you choose to login, that is a choice you make, they arn’t making you do anything.

From above; in new context about being ghosted.

if you feel that deeply about a company or a game and you don’t do it for a living, seek professional help.

Companies are not your friend, they are not your ally.

It’s still fine now, it’s the people that have changed, they only have a game and i understand put WAY to much into this fantasy world.

Each individual chooses how they do this… if a bunch of people whine each time they share and act like a jilted lover… jeezus…

Then they create a self fullfilling prophecy. The don’t want contact because whining, so overly involved people whine more. Then those of us that are okay (not perfect but not this) pay the price they didn’t make.

You might be right, im old so i don’t fully understand this whole, developers owe me anything mindset.

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I get the impression that this new Aaron guy is trying to copy Jeffs mannerisms and even his voice. It seems really weird.

Ya I grew up on Valve:

“What are you guys working on”
“When is it coming out”

Then they inevitably release a trailer then answer 0 questions beyond that and 50-50 that it either comes out a month later or gets massively delayed over and over and over again (looking at you Half Life 2 episode 2).

The whole backstab thing is a lot longer story. Involving Sym, Autism and more. (Asperger’s here)

But I am done with OW for today.

Puppysitting for a week starting tomorrow, have to prepare

i think once gaben got cornered and said “I let my developers choose what they work on, if they arn’t 100% interested i don’t want them working on it.”

But as you said he had to get cornered in a huge event haha

What about my lovely sym?

Who said anything about me caring about this company in a friend sort of way? I don’t even have friends to begin with.

It’s not that they “owe people” it’s that the longer they drag along their customer base, the more likely chance they have of said customers leaving (losing potential revenue). It would be like a restaurant not serving what you ordered (you said “surprise me”) and they just never present you anything. Eventually, you’ll just walk out.

Now, for me, I’m just invested in seeing what this company will do next: will it eventually stop crawling for the vultures to feast upon its corpse, or will it get up and run again? That’s what intrigues me most, at the moment.

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Meanwhile the other things going on in the kitchen that causing some cooks to get lawyers.

OW is like the ship of theseus in that way after.

So many OW clones exist now. It’s hard to tell who came from who.

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well i mean everyone is here complaining. does it make sense to complain about something you arn’t invested in?

I see it more like, this girl i txt’ed 6 months ago hasn’t replied yet, i should txt her again.

you paid what 20usd 6 years ago and got served for 4 years, thats pretty damned good. thats like them showing up repeatedly to give you, then writing a bad review after getting brought something several time, we don’t pay a sub, like wow players.

(unless it was on console then it was way over priced for too long)

Thats exactly where im at, im happy either way and interested to see how this goes.

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I guess sunk-cost fallacy, if anything? Figuratively, I’m like a vulture watching an animal (IP) crawl across the desert: not really getting too close, but just watching with mild amusement about whether it thrives or dies. If it dies, that’s unfortunate. If it thrives, kudos to it. I’m simply questioning/commentating my thoughts on its actions.

True. Though I’m mostly looking at this from the eyes of a logistics standpoint, rather than a paying player. It just seems illogical to be stringing your consumer base along with empty/broken promises, and then expecting them to be upbeat and positive long after the stagnation?

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Sorry for the spoilers

that is the best analogy.

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Kinda like I thought.


Again… just Doubt.

Most of them will probably be shoveled over to DPS and Tank though, We might get 1 or 2 at best.

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im a support main and i could live with 2 more for now.

there will probably be more heroes in the future too

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I would no longer say two.

Something else is going on now I think about the separation announcement even though that was already a thing

The pacing is another of the 20 reasons to be Sus.

As per the dev update, the Alpha starts today and everyone in it is under NDA.

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