Overwatch Dev Update: Closed Beta (SUS)

Meanwhile the other things going on in the kitchen that causing some cooks to get lawyers.

OW is like the ship of theseus in that way after.

So many OW clones exist now. It’s hard to tell who came from who.

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well i mean everyone is here complaining. does it make sense to complain about something you arn’t invested in?

I see it more like, this girl i txt’ed 6 months ago hasn’t replied yet, i should txt her again.

you paid what 20usd 6 years ago and got served for 4 years, thats pretty damned good. thats like them showing up repeatedly to give you, then writing a bad review after getting brought something several time, we don’t pay a sub, like wow players.

(unless it was on console then it was way over priced for too long)

Thats exactly where im at, im happy either way and interested to see how this goes.

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I guess sunk-cost fallacy, if anything? Figuratively, I’m like a vulture watching an animal (IP) crawl across the desert: not really getting too close, but just watching with mild amusement about whether it thrives or dies. If it dies, that’s unfortunate. If it thrives, kudos to it. I’m simply questioning/commentating my thoughts on its actions.

True. Though I’m mostly looking at this from the eyes of a logistics standpoint, rather than a paying player. It just seems illogical to be stringing your consumer base along with empty/broken promises, and then expecting them to be upbeat and positive long after the stagnation?

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Sorry for the spoilers

that is the best analogy.

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Kinda like I thought.


Again… just Doubt.

Most of them will probably be shoveled over to DPS and Tank though, We might get 1 or 2 at best.

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im a support main and i could live with 2 more for now.

there will probably be more heroes in the future too

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I would no longer say two.

Something else is going on now I think about the separation announcement even though that was already a thing

The pacing is another of the 20 reasons to be Sus.

As per the dev update, the Alpha starts today and everyone in it is under NDA.

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I want to post this (just released) in a side topic but low on time (leave to push boxes for hours in 8 minutes)

If you could make one that would be great

If you listen closely, that is what will be in the Closed Beta, and in the Open Beta, pretty much everything will be there, from what might be all the new heroes (he said “many more” but I’m guessing there won’t be a huge number to keep any out from Open Beta) & whatever other “new features” they have stored, other than the Ping System.

I mean I knew but I’m still upset that they’re not fixing the proportions of heroes per role issue and are making it worse. Then they wonder why there are so many dps players…

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Frankly, I don’t think the roles will ever be truly equal (and that’s fine).

Ideally, if we are to have 50 heroes (hypothetically) the most ideal distribution would be:
Damage: 20 | 25
Support: 15 | 13
Tank: 15 | 12

Something tells me that Tanks and Supports are pretty much one role, with Damage being its own (that’s pretty much how the camps have been divided: Damage, and then everyone else).

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Yeah. I don’t mind if they aren’t exactly the same, just not as different in size as they are now.

This makes a lot of sense and explains things. However I don’t know why they decided to do that.

I have no idea either, but that’s a question only the development team has the real answer to.

Originally, Defense and Offense were meant to be about playstyle: Defense wanting the fight to come to them, Offense bringing the fight to the enemy. Then they merged and we now have Damage, which is pretty vague as you have “viable” heroes (Tracer, McCree, Echo, Soldier:76…) and then you have the “unconventional” heroes that players seem keen on keeping niche (Symmetra, Bastion, Sombra, Mei,…).

It just seems like there was always meant to be a fourth role, as a lot of the Damage heroes (at least half) aren’t really about damage, but rather utility.

They could just reinstate that role, and just have it be called “Objective/Specialist” or what-have-you: heroes that want the fight to come to them and/or revolve around utility rather than raw damage.

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I like how they post this like soon after Gundam Evolution did their announcements + trailers for the NETWORK TEST (i.e. checking if things can work at scale rather than just testing if they can function) for a defined date in april.

Gotta love significant competition to get the balls rolling.

So a question I have is I see people can sign up but is it a random draw? Or are content creators gonna get better odds of playing it? I don’t have much experience with beta releases so this has been weird to me.

Made a side topic since it’s seems no one would listen to the famous Jesse Cox.
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