Overwatch Contenders / League 2022 Schedule - Earn Skins

Im down! My tag is name here #1674

I got off the phone with Tech support and they basically stated that they cannot look into it due to it being tied to their server and if they had a button to grant it, they would. But then stated that they can’t just do that due to a ‘licensing’ issue where they cannot just grant it, which is also funny since YouTube support stated to contact Blizzard support about this issue. They basically stated that since it seems to run fine for most users, then they will not look into it (unless if it impacts a majority of users) since they deem the drops to be working. They stated to post here to get it tracked by QA, even though I told him that GM or dev. responses have been close to nil on the forums about this, so it is pretty slim to see Blizzard/YouTube fix the issue.

Even with this though, still a licensing issue even though it is their own league and the only licensing issue I would see is with YouTube… The cosmetic itself is a free cosmetic and the only way that Blizzard typically addresses this is if a majority of users are facing the issue, and then Support actually looks into it and can manually start adding these to user’s accounts.

So how do we get the world cup skins? The ones on the season 3 trailer.

It’s 2023 and I still didn’t receive my Collegiate spray or my 2022 open division spray


No collegiate spray or CAH tokens. Any news on Contenders skins upcoming, and can we earn anything from OW World Cup streams?

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No diamond ‘Connected’ and they didn’t announce something we would get from World Cup broadcasts, so…we get nothing :smiling_face_with_tear:

Let’s take a quick look at the roadmap/timeline. Right now, the matches being broadcast are the trials, and it likely isn’t worth it to Blizzard to issue rewards for viewership on these smaller matches. I recall one of the recent broadcasted matches was over so quickly, they had a 20 minute break until the next match was scheduled to start, which would just be a lot of dead air that isn’t worth it to Blizzard for rewarding.

Looking ahead, though, I could see the qualifiers in June having some rewards issued for viewership. By that point, there will be a more engaged audience with OWL being active and able to promote the OWWC Qualifier matches.


According to Nightbot you can earn skins for watching the Overwatch World Cup Trials? The thing is it doesn’t say “connected” under the stream, so not sure what that’s about.

Edit: Someone mentioned that it’s probably just an outdated message referring to the Contenders skins you could earn last year.


So is there anything earnable right now?

Nothing so far. I had a skin issue with WBD in regards to the recent wizard game and I actually received detail responses from a representative quite late at night at around 10pm Monday night and they actually resolved my issue by looking into my connected Twitch and gaming service account. How come I have never been able to get this level of responsiveness from a GM from Blizzard? It’s always a repose in relation of “we cannot look into this” or “it’s a license issue”… Not sure how Blizzard would have licensing issues with Contenders skins but it’s just lazy on Blizzard’s part. Still awaiting feedback on the Hanzo skin. It’s been months. Surely they have still have support staff left that can look into this.

With today’s update they’ve added all new Contenders skins for the OW2 models for all heroes.

I was hoping that for those of us that have previously unlocked the OW1 versions we would get the new ones as well but it seems we’ll have to re-earn them all. This might mean that the OW1 versions will be unobtainable in the future.
( RIP OW1 Contenders Reaper I guess)

There’s also a World Cup 2023 spray and Icon, hopefully there’s no issue with these like with the 2022 Collegiate spray.

hmm…hadnt thought of contenders…not all the heroes had theirs in game yet…does that mean there will never be OW1 versions of them?

The only OW1 hero who wasn’t available as a drop was Reaper.

This is purely speculation but hopefully they’ll clear things up soon once the new Contenders seasons start.

you made me go look…wow it really is only reaper…i couldve sworn we were missing 5 or 6 of them…

RIP OW1 Reaper…

Still missing the Hanzo Contenders skin.

It would be fun if the first Contenders promotion this year was to earn OW1 Reaper and OW2 Reaper at the 5 and 10 hours, respectively. Bridge the gap as they move toward OW2 skins.

Wow, I totally didn’t realise that there will now be a whole new set of Contenders skins to earn again - along with of course the Grey and White skins if they make those again too.

Didn’t check for this new patch but I’m sure I still don’t have the Collegiate spray unlocked.

Still nothing months later. Kept getting told to check in here and no one is bothering to look into it here.

Yep there’s no official help here anymore. My advice is to forget about it, there’s nothing you or anyone else can do about it if support can’t be bothered to help you.
On a brighter note, at some point in the future you should in theory be able to get the new ow2 contender’s skin of Hanzo.

after they hired Wyoming, majority of help vanished :woman_standing:

There is just 1 person now doing it by themselves, I don’t see anyone else and both of them were volunteer (green text).