Overwatch competitive matchmaker patent

I like my rank. I have no desire to improve. Make fun if you want, I’ve seen the ranks above mine and I’m unwilling to make the necessary sacrifices. I just want some fair and consistent matches. Why is that so much to ask? If I am being manipulated because the system expects me to improve or to be fodder or carry in matches, I might as well stick to workshop. Comp is supposed to be skill-centric, but it largely is not when so much artificial boosting and sandbagging abound.

Okay let’s say it takes me over one hundred games to reach diamond from gold. Let’s say I will never be better than diamond.

I am not smurfing. I can only play less than ten games a week due to real life obligations.

Although, if you placed me in a diamond game. I could easily pull my weight and then some. Which is definitely possible.

This is not my rank just an example.

I knew a plat player who played with us in masters tournaments. he played more pick up.games then he played ranked. His skill was master level. Just his rank did not show that.

How is it supposed to judge that though? It can only compare you against the players you play against. So starting in gold it can assume you did well against gold players but what’s to say that isn’t just a hot streak? It can bump you up bit by bit to see how you do but it can’t just look at 10-20 games and go “Yep diamond” if it’s only seen you against gold and maybe plat.

People already complain about boosted players and/or people placed higher than they should be. Doing anything like what you suggested will only make that more frequent since it’s so easy to tread water and say “the rest of my team didn’t do enough” especially as support but it’s true for every role.

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Well maybe he should play ranked to actualy climb then? :smiley:

You cant climb in comp if you dont play the comp.

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Let’s be real though, VERY FEW gold players have what it takes to be dropped in Diamond and not be dead weight.

Part of the purpose of climbing is to learn and improve as a player. Otherwise you would just place Diamond.

The point is the game can have you outside of your skill level.

That and playing pick up games and joining tournaments will always mean more than your rank. You will improve much faster and learn the correct way to play the game

Seems to have died down a little

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Last time I placed this was in open q before role q existed on a new account I was a low diamond Lucio. I one tricked Lucio and placed masters.

My last two placements where low masters matches. I held my own just fine and even did beyond that. The game probably placed me too high I can’t be sure. It just assumed because I won nine out of ten placements.

Although I was scrimming against masters teams three days a week. Maybe I just didn’t play enough ranked to be where I should of been.

Also theres so much to read but it seems to be described as being able to apply to multiple multiplayer games from the bit I have read so far.

ever wonder why those low level accounts are always in your games ??

well there’s the reason players

the worse new player gets to see u with your cool borders, and skins
and it’s meant to keep the other player playing and putting more time into wanting those skins i.e. lootbox purchases

just how mmr puts cold players on your team to make the grind artificially longer

and to keep you the player doing that indeed playing

over and over again

JK is less of a game dev and more a corporate liaison and pr rep for ATVI. If he wants to keep his job, 9/10 times what he says is not what he understands.

It really does. Just not something “gamers” will see since most of that self-identifying demographic isn’t concerned with technicalities. There are several patents. In-house they call it SM’s matchmaking, because it was Scott that backed most of the design and pushed for it to be like this. And from the leaked discord convos it sounded like it was Scott who refused a reset/reseason several times.

Patents are designed to be novel, generic and readily applicable. You want to claim out as much ip territory as you can so you can use it everywhere, enforce it everywhere, and potentially license it everywhere.

They absolutely design for engagement. And they go the extra mile for accessibility and inclusion. There are a couple of other patents on DDA (dynamic difficulty adjustment) which is a whole other level of rigging. DDA basically means +/- passives (like damage, healing output, hitbox sizes, ult charge %). It kicks in mid-match to swing fights and smooth out matchmaker mistakes.

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Reports… Wanna join the new discord some of the other dudes made? Maybe find some consistent teammates to play with?

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If I can’t win a <500 bronze match on my own accord, I don’t deserve teammates/discords/friends.


Lol… Okay sour puss… :joy:

Please help our boy get to the server? I’d do it but I’m not able to…

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What do you mean ? Who should we get in?

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You act like anyone would’ve expected any other response from him.


20 chars lim

True but I’m not giving up on him

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Never gonna happens. He doesn’t give us his math so he probably won’t join.


I’m surprised he didn’t accuse you or us of trying to sell hacks/boosting. Granted I’m sure someone will eventually.

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Lol… My boosting fees not cheap… :joy: