MMR is Making Me Sick

I get what OP is going for here. He’s asking for competitive to feel more rewarding, and specifically to the people who take it more seriously. But that’s a very broad category, with one uncontrollable element… human nature. That was part of the goal with endorsements but it quickly fell flat.

It would be a huge undertaking, but i’m not sure it’s achievable.

There are a lot of try hards who get tilted. One day they’re amazing, then suddenly they feel like they need to try a hero they have less than 10 hours in, they get overconfident.

This game really isn’t that much different from professional sports, in that, genetically some people are just more predisposed to success at Overwatch. Or they will get better at it faster.

Temperament is a huge issue. It’s a very mental game. You can’t really go into competitive with anything less of the attitude of “I’m playing to learn how to play, and every game i play i learn, and get better.” There is always a next game. But yes try hard as well.

A combination of these elements will determine whether you’re the right type of person to reach top 500.

I suggest comparing your “damage numbers etc” vs top 500 players and see where you can improve. Just keep in mind matches tend to last longer in top 500 so numbers reflect that as well.

I’m trying to be a top 500 player as Ana, and i’m finding it quite difficult, but when i watch ML7 play for example, i realize i have SOO much room for growth.


The first half of the sentence is literally about when there isn’t a significant difference.

Complaining about the exceptions when there is sorta defeats the point.


Those exceptions are common for me there is always one guy/girls who does not belong into the lobby.
My best experience with games has been when I had to wait 10 seconds and everyone was roughly the same skill. Worst experience comes from those 10 minute queues when the Matchmaker plays tetris and gives me a local thrower.

I had a friend climb to masters over 1.5 years ago and he hasn’t played Overwatch since and never will again he said because the toxicity and the person he had to become to climb wasn’t worth it.

If you’re genuinely feeling upset from playing this game please STOP PLAYING THIS GAME!! I love this game!! But it’s not worth your mental health.

The community is toxic, the competitive ladder breeds frustration and everyone blames everyone (I do it too).

The climb IS the reward. Winning the games is the reward. The shinny emblem next to your battle tag is only a representation of your efforts. That’s ALL!!

The game is the same for me in Diamond as it is for other players in silver/gold/plat. We ALL deal with smurfs, we ALL deal with throwers and rage quitters, toxic know it all’s…

The only difference between being gold and being Diamond/masters/GM is how difficult you like your games. In Diamond, I die significantly faster if I make a positional mistake because there’s always a Genji or Tracer willing to gun you down.

In lower tiers you can miss 60% of your shots and still win a team fight.

Mercy can pocket tanks all game and you still won’t die often because you still have time to find a health pack…

Enjoy your place on the ladder. If you really want to climb, find a coach or a scrim team and learn the game. It’s the best way… :woman_shrugging:t2:

GLHF dude.

Remember the game really isn’t worth your mental health.


You’re missing a scintillating conversation on the post about the Reddit post :joy:



Just linked you

20 chars

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You’re low diamond. You deserve your rank.

God I remember I got you on my team once and all you did was flank on Zen and die half the times lol

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And neither is yours. Stop regurgitating outdated legacy posts regarding how you think/thought the matchmaker works/worked. You’re not an authoritative source, stop treating your posts like official sticky. It is misleading towards the community and belittles their skepticism.

These “how the matchmaker works” were based on heresay then, and are based on heresay now. It’s a patented ‘customer is the product’ system rigged with dda for engagement, and mmr/sr doesn’t even begin to tell the whole story.

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I feel that at this many hours in I’ve lost faith in teamwork… typically games are won by a few good men.

I’m all about the Zen-sassin™️ life, but if a pattern sets in I definitely fall victim to it expecting nothing to change.

I’m just not a fan of the lack of honor & integrity amongst the toxic community. The experience I went through in our game is incredibly common for me; it’s affecting my mental health.

Easier to blame the guy trying to solve problems & failing than try to solve them as a team or yourself.

Hope we get to play again.

I’m with you. The match-forcing is repugnant.

And it never stops working hard - even outside of comp.
Can’t even get casual/chill qp/qpc games. And I’m <500sr, I don’t know what I have to do to convince the game I should be hard carried for a single arcade win.

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The reason the community is so toxic is due to Blizzard creating an addictive personality by starting everyone in gold/plat. Players who don’t belong there should have never started there. The MMR system can’t rank people at Lvl 25 properly. Make it a literal climb upwards and start everyone in bronze. Also create a better system that tracks players stats to provide the correct amount of SR post win to prevent boosting via teammates. This will make matches above gold cleaner.

The reason they wouldn’t do this is because they like making people think they are better than they are, so they keep trying to reach that high SR that they started out with. This creates a mental addiction. I wouldn’t put it past them to give a couple of free wins to make their SR go up more. We already know they like to stick low players with high players to make them carry. Keep dealing your drug Blizzard.

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Already tracks your stat. but your point above this is right.


True, but I think it can be better.

If they want to make it less grind they could but the system we have in place is made so we need to play a lot. And that’s their goal and money.

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The problem with this line of thinking is you’re assuming you are being placed with lower MMR teammates because your MMR is high.

Here’s two thoughts

  1. What if you are the lower MMR player?

  2. Isn’t a fair match better achieved by matching 12 players of near equal MMR rather than trying to balance highs with lows? Why do you not think it’s trying to do that?


I suppose that’s the sad reality right? That my MMR is, in fact, equal with those around me.
I’m not special.

I do stand by the amount of hours I’ve sunk into this game & I feel that I’m well versed and skilled at ‘reading’ the game. I know where I can improve and I can see the value in a VC I choose to abstain from.

The game depresses me because regardless of the effort I put in I’m seldom met with positive / reward and, dramatically, met with more toxicity, slander, and shame / hate.

The social aspects of this game; the toxic aspects of this game I feel are pushing me towards isolation and independent-play vs team-play.

The toxicity is so bad I think that people tend to gang up and form their own groupthink.

-and in this scenario it doesn’t matter anymore that the tank isn’t gonna go winston (vs a widow or Ashe). The amount of damage he takes and the lack of ability to close ground & tank doesn’t matter, because everyone is told to scapegoat someone else.

When I posted this, I wasn’t going for “I’m special, why me”.

My point lies in that no matter how well versed I can be in the combat, the work I’m trying to put in & the situations I’m trying to solve (ala widow/ Ashe) is offset by teammates who I feel don’t share the same game sense.

I digress,
I think the toxic culture is growing in OW. No game feels complete without someone shaming and placing blame on someone and I feel that people seek to rally themselves around other toxic players to form their own crap-community and crap justifications.

If you’re no longer enjoying the game you’d probably be best off stopping cold turkey. I had to take a 6 month break because of how the game made me feel.

ELO will bounce you around like a yo-yo depending on factors that are completely out of your control but will keep you in a certain range, your skill range. You’re not bad - it’s just that you’re not currently capable of getting higher. I’ve played the game since launch and have only made it to mid silver.

I know that it’s hard to separate your worth from your number but you aren’t your number.

You. Are. Not. Your. SR.


This. The matchmaking needs to find similar sub-team for both teams. E.g. enemy has diamond dps teamed up with gold support (in a plat game) then the search should continue as FREAKING LONG as it takes to find out diamond dps + gold support for my team.