I just want to say that it is not Overwatch matchmaking or anything of the sort. It is the people. I have never had so many leavers (my team and the enemy team) in my games than I did in the past month or so. As soon as one team takes the first point, wins the first fight (does not matter if it is my team or the other) someone will ragequit, but definitely not before they either write in match chat (if it is the enemy team) how his team is bad and how he cannot carry stupid or will join voice (if it is on my team) just to call all of us trash and how we should kys.
There is no matchmaking in this world that can deal with snowflakes, bad upbringing and bad parenting. Maybe mentioning upbringing is a bit silly in a video game but trust me it does bear meaning. People are so spoiled, so much that it permeates every single aspect of life or leisure. The whining begins at the load screen, and especially when people pick their heroes.
People blaming the matchmaker are those people who have simply given up. That’s all. Given up, have thrown in the towel, you name it. In some aspect I do not blame them, because I have been trying to get this account to Gold on support (started in Bronze and actually decided to grind it up on heroes I wanted to learn to get it close to my main, so I can play them on my main) and the amount of people I have encountered who have given up on improving themselves is tremendous. So much toxicity has actually prevented anyone who has ever decided to grind and improve in this game to actually try, hence leaving you to play with people who simply do not care anymore and have decided to do their own thing, blaming everything and everyone for when thy lose. I understand them to a certain degree (believe me I have had, as many of us, my fair share of toxicity that made me stop playing comp for a few days just to keep my sanity in check), but I personally have always tried and still am trying to get past all of that and just to focus on myself. I am 1 win away from reaching Gold on support on this account, and I have to say that I was simply forced to take a little break from comp. All of us have their limits irregardless of what type of limits they are.
In the past three games I have had (was like 2 hours ago or so) I have been called a b* , a ducking w* just for saying x, y, z behind us, x, y, z has ult, pull back etc. And worst of it I have won 2 of those games only because one of the enemy players left, 2 games in a row, because they either died first, or have lost the first point. People have given up. People have become way too sensitive blaming everything on the Devs, matchmaking etc. and never, not once did it ever ever occurred to them to look at themselves.
Same thing as in real life. You have to work for something, to get something, to achieve something. You have to study hard to pass a tough exam, you have to work hard and prove yourself to get a promotion at work etc. Everything requires sacrifice, hard work and self reflection. But in the end for most people it is easier to blame someone or something else for their failures rather than themselves. I guess it makes them feel better about not being a complete failure in life.
So no, OW matchmaking is not bad, you are. The sooner you realize it the sooner you might actually start to work on your own gameplay and actually improve at the game.