Overwatch 2 Ready Check: Prepare for Launch!

Terms and conditions are ignored by law.
You are replying to me even if I am not replying to you.

May not.

Those are the key words you’re overlooking there.

May not.

What do you think you just did? You are very confusing at times :frowning:

What you’re saying is disjointed.
So can you please stop with the vague answers that make no sense?

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I don’t see anywhere there that it says “A post-paid mobile number must be attached to your

It just says “phone number”

Again, most people did not realise about all this pre-paid/post-paid bullđŸ’© until very recently when it’s actively asked them to link their phone number to their account either via the battlenet launcher when opening Overwatch or the email that everyone got about making sure you’re ready to play or whatever it was.

Blizzard suck :peach: and we all know it.

Oh and it’s inconsistent as absolute hell which doesn’t help.


This statement is in no way, shape or form “vague”:

Can’t you understand the context?

My husband can’t even be ready for launch because Blizzard “24/7” support doesn’t reply to country change. Their self service doesn’t even work, and they require personal documents to change country on a account just to play a GAME. They should up their support during this time.

Good luck. The site says I’m not eligible for a refund, contacted them manually, it’s been 3 days, no response.

Blizzard doesn’t care if I play or not, only that they appear to fight bogey men that they themselves allowed and encouraged. There is no high level player that doesn’t have more than one account. Invitees to Blizzard evens included.

Not having per hero SR makes it so I need more accounts to be rated correctly or just onetrick and thus throw when enemy team runs a hard counter to me. The game is designed to hate onetricks, and the ranking is designed to punish flex players.

The system is designed around multiple accounts and Blizzard is now throwing their players under the bus for PR.

Never go back. If a company proves it treats people like numbers, you will never be anything other than a number. Move on.


And selling a game to an account that doesn’t meet the requirements is also on me? Not warning me on purchase is also on me?

Do I have to check every shoe box to see if it doesn’t contain 2 left shoes, and is it fine to refuse a refund because I didn’t check the box?

At what point am I right in demanding a refund? At what point is it fair to say that relying on people not reading a multi page document for a game that replaces a game I COULD play is basically a scam?


If you purchased the Watchpoint Pack but aren’t able to use your phone number for SMS verification then you should be able to get a refund.

It all depends on Blizzard’s Terms & Conditions of sale and also any consumer protection laws that you may have in your country.

To use the protections in my country I’d have to start up a legal battle in my country, which is 
 fun. And Blizzard’s take on this is to leave me on seen. Day 3. We’ll see.

Also, you said “aren’t able to use”. Does that cover me not wanting to use? I know that it’s a moot issue, I can just lie, but what’s your opinion on this.

Since I think you took a strong stance on personal responsibility versus consumer protection, I wonder what the line is. It is my view that, since I have filed the refund request before the game launched, I am entitled to a no questions asked refund.

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Update: a robot that tried very hard to sound human replied and said that he’ll make an exception seeing how I only played 0 hours. Apparently I’m in.

Hey, at least there’s that. I am genuinely happy with this. I got my money back, I dislike Blizzard’s rules I don’t play Blizzard’s game, we all live happily ever after.

Overwatch 1 was a good game I genuinely enjoyed and I played for 6 years for 60 bucks, good deal.


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Twitch drops the most wasteful useless mechanic VCs started using to promote their rich paying buddies no matter what it costs on the planet.


I’m not clear whether or not I’ll be able to play OW2. I have a verified number with Blizzard but it’s outdated and I can’t update it in account details because they text the old number to confirm. Does it need to have the current number for me to access the gameplay or just be a verified number?

It depends on the consumer protection laws in your country (and also on Blizzard’s refund policy).

I think both are important. Having worked customer service myself for a long time now I believe consumer protection laws are essential; however, I do also believe that a certain degree of personal responsibility needs to factor into the equation as well.

Still sucks that you’re not able to play Overwatch 2 but at least you did get your money back so that’s indeed something.

In order to access the game I think it just needs to be an active number.

That said, if there’s ever any changes made to your Overwatch 2 account then they send you a text message to confirm so you do need to have access to that number.

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Cell phones are for phone calls not identification.


In this day and age that’s a very antiquated way of thinking.

Phones are used for a lot more than just phone calls nowadays!

What are we supposed to do if we played OW1 but want to switch to a different platform for OW2?

I think this is a terrible idea! There is no reason for this requirement other than to track users. It could lead to a backlash and a boycott of the game and ultimately a much smaller user base. I 'm taking a pass on Overwatch 2 until this requirement gone.