Overwatch 2 Ready Check: Prepare for Launch!

You paid for an account in Overwatch. An account that is subject to Blizzard’s End User Licence Agreement which states, in part:

Yes, they’ve offered to transfer accounts and account unlocks from Overwatch to Overwatch 2, but that’s because they’re shutting down Overwatch. Overwatch 2 is a different game.

See above.

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The phone number requirement was noted in the terms of sale of the Watchpoint Pack:

As such you may not be eligible for a refund.

The requirement of a phone number was advertised along with the Watchpoint Pack. It was not a “last minute” addition. See above.

Which did not involve the Overwatch team at all so is completely irrelevant.

They only keep the voice recording long enough to be transcribed to speech to text software, after which the voice recording is deleted. The transcript is only kept for 30 days after which it’s deleted.

My friends and I who play the game regularly have around 3,500-4,000 hours in OW1 combined.

One of us has Cricket Wireless, so she can’t register her phone number to play OW2, so now we’re looking for other games to play. Can’t even just keep playing OW1.

We’ve been willing to give all the OW2 changes the benefit of the doubt, and have (until tonight) been excited for the new game to launch, but explicitly making it impossible for our friend to play without getting a new phone provider is just not acceptable.


The Watchpoint Pack simply states that a mobile number must be linked, and mentions nothing about the new restrictions to pre-paid phones, and nowhere on the entire site do they list what carriers are allowed.

I didn’t have any working cell service during the beta, but have just recently gotten a brand new phone, only to now be told that they won’t accept my phone number. I was never planning to buy an expensive contract phone I’d be stuck with for 2 years, who wants to waste that money in this economy?

Even if I were to “just use family’s phones” therein lies an even deeper problem. My family’s service runs on Cricket, which gets auto-flagged as pre-paid by Blizzard, despite them owning a post-paid service plan. Blizzard should accept their numbers, according to their stated terms, but they aren’t.

It’s not that I don’t want to use my phone number, it’s that I can’t. They won’t allow me to no matter how hard I try. This isn’t even a burner phone, this is a brand new iPhone 14.


I’m seeing many who aren’t making the distinction that Overwatch and Overwatch 2 are different games and you need to because that’s what they are.

You can still play Overwatch until Blizzard shuts it down next week ahead of the launch of the sequel.

Preload download speeds are limited by default in the settings menu. Uncheck the box or increase the number if you want it to go faster.

What part of “permanent ban” are you not understanding?

From what legal standpoint do you believe you will be able to sue Blizzard? Overwatch 2 is a different game to Overwatch. Just because you bought and played Overwatch for 6 years doesn’t mean anything with regards to the sequel.

Also, the requirement for mobile phone verification was specified as part of the requirements of the Watchpoint Pack, so if you bought it without reading that then that’s on you.

You don’t seem to be familiar with the law either.
If you are not smart enough to know what you are talking about, please don’t keep posting in a row and shut up.

I had purchased the OW skins after hearing that they would continue to be available in OW2, but I am unable to play OW2 itself.

I’m not a lawyer, if that’s what you’re suggesting, but then I think it’s obvious you’re not, either, otherwise you wouldn’t be making the claims that you are.

Wow. Toxic much? That was completely unnecessary of you to post and all it’s doing is completely undermining any point you’re trying to make.

It’s not difficult to remain civil in this discussion.

No one wants to hear your opinion.

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No, you don’t want to hear my opinion. You cannot speak for anyone but yourself.

Feel free to ignore me if you like, especially if you’re just going to persist in being toxic.

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Please do not respond to my post again.
I am annoyed with you.
You just get pleasure from offending people.

I have as much right to post on here as you do. As I mentioned before, you’re free to ignore me if you wish.

For what? For providing facts? For correcting misinformation?

How on earth you’re able to ascertain that just from a text-based discussion on an online forum is beyond me.

That said, it’s certainly not the case as that’s not the kind of person I am.

Besides, I’ve not said anything even close to being “offensive”. If I had no doubt the moderators would have silenced me by now!

Can’t you read the words “Do not reply”?
Please do not reply to my post.
You are the one harassing me.
I am fed up with seeing your misinformation.

Again, I’m free to post on here just like you are. If you don’t like my posts you can ignore me.

You don’t get to dictate where and when I can post.

Like I said before, I get that you’re mad and frustrated, but I’m not the one who instituted the changes that put you in that state.

Excuse me? Please indicate where anything I’ve said is misinformation.

I’m not saying anything of the sort.

You’re getting very close to harassing me with your toxicity and false accusations.

You stated that you are not entitled to a refund for the watchpoint pack.
I know people who have received refunds.
Please stop replying to me.
What you are doing is stalking me.

You said:

To which I replied:

In fact, in another thread I even replied to someone saying they should be eligible or a refund:

I’m doing nothing of the sort. I’m responding to your replies to my posts. That’s how online forums work.

If you don’t want me to reply then stop responding to, addressing or referencing me.