Overwatch 2 Ready Check: Prepare for Launch!

Yes, but how many smurf players are going to do that for each of their dozens of smurf accounts?

Not many, if any.

I doubt thatā€™s a big enough deterrent that you think it is. getting one code per account is just about 4$ a pop.

So, your gonna give me back my 120$ I spent to play your old game right, now that its ā€œfree to playā€ and I can never play the game I paid forā€¦

This is unbelievable I DO NOT NOT WANT TO SPEND MONY OR DOWNLOAD A THIRD PARTY JUST TO PLAY plz overwatch/blizzard make cricket phones available to use as a sms feature Iā€™m new and was supper exited or play now I canā€™t this needs to be fixed.

are u American or something??? because in the uk we have a system called contractā€¦ and if our phones or sims are on contract we will need to change the phone or sim to the correct one or the phone or sim (mainly sim) would stop working

Does that phone call verification exclude people on prepaid plans?

But what law does the EULA ā€œviolateā€?

Welp, I was excited. Pound sand Blizzard. Canā€™t use Cricket to verify myself on an account Iā€™ve had > decade (I think Iā€™ve had this one this long, been playing Blizzard since SC1).

Sadly the ā€œfixā€ they are implementing only helps those of us that have had accounts for over a year and a tad more. New players with carriers such as cricket they ARE NOT doing anything for. I really hate to be the one to tell you this seeing as iā€™m a cricket user but they already decided on the fix and its not helping any new players. im sorry :confused:

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Maybe donā€™t try and ā€œfixā€ the game during peak hours. Iā€™ve spent more time not being able to play waiting, getting kicked, and looking at maintenance alerts, than I have actually playing the game. I mean seriously. I just uninstalled. This is a complete joke. Maybe Iā€™ll check back in six months.

This should be a master class on how to NOT launch a game.

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Great job on ruining a viable game blizzardā€¦ you money hungry cucks. #bringbackow1

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oh i am sorry which part of that you didnā€™t understand ā€¦ ?! I didnā€™t ask for your 2 cents tyvm

Yes, you did, by posting on a public forum where other people are able to reply to you.

doesnā€™t mean I am asking YOU! anyone else can but you

Thatā€™s not how public forums work.

My head hurts just looking at this oh lord