Overwatch 2 Launches October 4 as a Free-to-Play Live Experience

Things are looking up, ty for all the hard work dev’s

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Huh, so there is.

I guess there really was weapon charms in it. Well, my bad then.


Personally, I want there to be a polished PvE experince upon official release. In Flat’s prediction that should be the case and the PvP will be ironed after launch. Here’s a LINK to the VOD I’m taking my opinion from. If you’re waiting on PvE news, wait till June 16th’s livestream before you take aim.

There will be no news. PvE is dead.

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It’s alright :slight_smile: small details anyone could of missed. I was expecting these cosmetic micro-transactions upon hearing Overwatch go F2P.

how do you think they want us to get lootboxes lol

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Let’s hope it’s kept to skins only and not actual gameplay.

God will it suck if heroes are locked behind paywall.

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PvE P2W would be a nightmare. However… stay hopeful since Diablo Immortal is modelled after a mobile game (which are microtransation heavy) whilst Overwatch being a full live-service console/PC title.

And so begins, the Age of Chaos.


They’re digging Overwatch’s grave at this point.


There seems to be a lot of mix information going on about the whole “free to play” part of this announcement. Some people and sites are saying Free to Play is just the multi player, and the story is paid for. Can we get clarification on this Free to Play situation? Is the whole game free to play or is there going to be anything outside of the loot boxes with new skins and etc going to be paid for?

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That was actually unexpected. But this seems partially like false advertising as we all know this isn’t PvE that’s coming and it appears that still has no launch date either.

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It’s not even false advertising it’s just straight up lies

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Ig, But I really never liked it because of heroes behind pay walls, bad UI, and… Idk, i just have bias towards overwatch.

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Honestly funny reading all these posts about how microtransaction is going to destroy the game. Besides skins, which you can just get for free by playing the game, theres 0 advantages or reason to pay for anything.


People are making the comparison because Diablo Immortal predatory style showed just how bad it was, and thus, they are concerned about it.

Cosmetic only mictrotransactions are fine/expected.

The concern is that the PvE side will now include P2W elements if it’s also F2P.

I don’t expect them to attempt any P2W nonsense on the PvP side.

Although someone just mentioned above that some sites are claiming that F2P is only for the PvP side and that the PvE will still be a paid DLC. I’ve seen nothing today officially from Blizzard that says that though and it would be very odd for them to make this huge “we’re going F2P” announcement without immediately clarifying it was only for part of the game and not the entire thing.

There will be no PvE side

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Well just the other day a blue confirmed there still was by mentioning that they were playtesting the PvE side.

Oh, damn, hell of a shock to have this all this revealed already. Not like F2P is exactly a shock though, it was beyond obvious they’d have to go that way if they want the game to have a chance.

The only worrying thing from this to me, is that it looks pretty well confirmed 3 heroes at launch is it.