Overwatch 2 Launches October 4 as a Free-to-Play Live Experience

True, but they are advertising it as the launch of “Overwatch 2” at the moment alongside that

People were constantly saying “It’s gonna be 2023 when OW2 is gonna be released!!! NOOOOO!!!” Well, I like it when I’m right when I said it might not happen in 2023, and can still happen this year in 2022. Yep. I said that. And am too proud of myself being completely right. Need some sick music right now for celebration. Anyways, Fox character happening for truth! And I still will never understand y does every1 think it’s a girl. I’ll see the character 4 myself, and we’ll see if the character’s a girl with a fox or not. I do appreciate a Fox being added to the game though. Probs the closest animal I can get to being my spirit animal. But now, all we’re missing is 1 thing: Arcane. I legit do not care if this is a character with arcane, or a skin added into the game. Just some form of arcane I want in the game. What’d be easiest and most preferred is a Skin with Arcane, but idc. More being added is a step forward. But the remaining question is: Did they add ENOUGH? To statisfy Every1 Else? I’m fine if it’s only, like, 4 characters, as long as I had either A, Fox character (done) or B, some1 from MEKA crew (still on the wait list). I’d prefer though, there being, like, 6 or 8 characters added or something, but 4 is the lowest I’d wish for. I’m praying what is added in OW2 is enough for the rest of the community to be statisfied.

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though thats also technically correct. and as for everyone saying its going to turn into ow2 immortal, I don’t see it. Microsoft put this game front and center, and if they get activision blizzard, they are probably going to make sure it shines

Free to play is a mistake!
This is a horrible decision.

I hope we are able to actually reach 5 new heroes by release date…
I have really enjoyed the ow2 pvp content we’ve gotten so far- the sounds and models are great; but I am seriously concerned about the future of the game.

You can literally see them in the trailer.

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You got a time stamp for that?

OOOOH thats even more rewarding for current/“old” players

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After all the hype and waiting, any OW2 news should be exciting. Instead we have dread about what horrific business model you’re about to unleash on a game many people have loved for years.

Now we have to worry that you’re about to pull a second Diablo Immortal on us. You should have been very clear about what the business model was going forward when announcing F2P. Since you didn’t immediately say it’s cosmetic only, we can only assume there’s going to be some P2W nonsense, especially involved in the new PvE side.


D.Vas new look :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face: :tired_face:

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Yeah well it matters to me as my account is permabanned in OW, it’s like banning me too in WoW or another Blizzard game for something I did in OW, it doesn’t make sense to me.

Is fortnite a flop? no, well that.

You were wrong. It’s not a real release without PvE.

They are still touting June 16th to be the day they livestream “Reveal Event” of OW2, they’ve been hyping it up.

let’s see what they say about everything on the 16th. Hopefully they’ll go into a lot more detail about things and the F2P model.

Most people would be content if they released a PvP experince already with updates and heros.

They just announced the whole game on Oct. 4th. Probs next Beta or 2 will showcase PvE content.

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D.Vas not that bad, Mercy is the one thats bad. Hurts my eye everytime she popped up on screen.


Free to play? lol Overwatch 2 is going to be worse than I ever imagined. Incoming season passes that will cost you a lot more than simply buying the game once and being done would. lololololololololol


I saw an east-asian urn on Cassidy’s Peacekeeper and a dog charm on lucio’s weapon. Link


There is not a single mention of PvE in any of the trailers.

I don’t care about “most people”. They were lying to me and other people who spent 3 years waiting for PvE content.

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