Overwatch 2 Launches October 4 as a Free-to-Play Live Experience

You still talking there bro? I mean you are the one that baby-raged in the middle of a discussion… not me.

Not gonna lie I’ve been so used to the current Overwatch for so many years that all of these sudden changes coming on October 4th feels kinda scary and overwhelming… but change will certainly be good.


Considering it was announced that OW1 will cease to exist the moment OW2 launches and OW2 will be the new live game, unless they are changing how they announced it would work years ago, that would effectively mean that you are playing your account.

Now it is possible it has a new license ID and is technically just a copy of your account but at that point we are getting into the definition of what makes the account your account.

Fox girl has to be the new support right.


Is it releasing on October 4th or is the Early Access releasing on that day? From the way you’ve phrased it it could be either, also when do we need to log in to the game by to accept the Founder’s Pack as - the time to do so has already ran out apparently?

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One question. I’m from the UK so I’m getting confused on this part:
"To redeem the Founder’s Pack, players need to log into the live game by 12/05/2022 at 11:59 p.m. PDT"

Is it December 5th 2022 or May 12th 2022?

December 5th, Blizz is US company.

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Thank you.

Woot woot feels good, and Diablo IV looks amazing. 3 years I didn’t play god I will be so lost.

i think its “early access” because the pve wont be ready by then

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Pretty clear sentence there. What’s giving you so much trouble?

Ah right, that’s what I’m confused about, because that time has already ended supposedly…

He’s saying that blizz is more busy designing weapon charms like COD.

Completely forgetting that OW heroes don’t have different guns. At most, it’ll be skins.

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I was confused because it could be another way of saying “Players that were active on and before May 12th will get the founder pack and no one else”. Which is kinda rewarding for constant players.

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Wish they wouldn’t phrase it that way XD

Please tell us you are not turning OW2 PvE into a P2W mictrotransaction horror show like Diablo Immortal. Don’t ruin another IP so quickly after you just butchered one of the most beloved franchises in gaming history with that shameful mobile casino…


F2P… really? The smurfing issue will be even worse, not like they care.

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if diablo immortal is any indication we’re in for a good time

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Diablo Immortal is also free to play right guys - how do we think OW2 is going to feel?

well it is technically true
the game isn’t fully out yet. since the pve portion isn’t done