Overwatch 2 Launches October 4 as a Free-to-Play Live Experience

Jeeze I hope the “special gift” is not some cheesy spray. But all in all quite exciting, I miss the beta play so much now : /

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Middle of the day on Sunday. That was… unexpected.

I would have expected this to be announced during the event.


Surprise, it’s a player icon!


Youre telling me, I still cant believe theyre rolling with Mercy Karen hair

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I did back off of OW lately if that makes you feel better

Paladins was never very relevant in the first place and it still isnt even with OW falling off

Idk why you felt the need to post that tbh

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At least Mercy is nowhere near as bad as how Moira looks

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The only positive there is to take with this MS video annoucement is that Wrecking ball will have another awesome intro.

The rest… meh
The F2P part :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Well at least we can both keep our Classic skins

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Stoked about incredibly pervasive and aggressive monetization.


you get a :clown_face: skin for sombra instead :rofl: nice for your most faithful players blizzard :circus_tent: :clown_face: :circus_tent:


Cuz as i mentioned earlier, im tired of people calling everything that looks similar a ripoff of another game…

remember when OW released how TF2 players were all over it cuz “LUL TF2 RIPOFF”.

and this isnt just about OW either

another example is how people call everything remotely difficult a “souls-like” or a “dark souls ripoff” nowadays…like guys dark souls isnt the only difficult game in existance, i find it very frustrating


Telling ya, I don’t think that skin was finished work.

is junker queen another dps hero :joy:

Nope, she’s a tank, sorry mate.

poor thing. I think we all know OW did fall off the last few years

Paladins didnt take advantage of it though, they have like 7k players on steam and few more on consoles

They were never big in the first place and are falling off too

All in all, it’s a good step after all, f2p will surely provide more players.

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Alongside more bots and cheaters.

I really prefer a battlepass right now.

where does it say that

Very awesome indeed, but still no word about the PvE?? where is it?

Battlepass with lootboxes with upgrade stones with cosmetics with purchased priority passes with…


All the wraparound discussions in context with Blizz says shes a tank. For that matter, where does it state she’ a DPS?