Overwatch 2 Launches October 4 as a Free-to-Play Live Experience

Don’t worry, this is Blizzard launch after all, the servers will be down and wonky for a month at least


As selected as every other Early Access game ever released in the last decade.
So, everyone.

My guess is that the early access would be for ppl who own OW1 :man_shrugging:

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Uh what? Paladins is hardly relevant on the gaming market. Their numbers are down overall since the pandemic

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Yes its in the official announcment on the website.

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Had called this a while back. Many times.
People need to start paying attention to the things Blizzards says. As they dont say certain things straight out but in their own PR talk kind of way.

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Well, I hope blizz is able to handle the bots wave like Team Fortress 2 is currently experiencing.

God, that’s really going to be annoying.


If im reading this right the early access is the pvp stuff and its to tide us over till the pve drop.

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Overwatch players still thinking their game is unique special and different even after it crashed and burned so hard for a few years that everyone collectively ridiculed it and moved onto the several similar games that exist

idk why they are making this about paladins, tbh, seems to me like ow players still have confidence issues and forget that multiple games of the same genre can exist at the same time…


So I think they forgot to embed this video to their post

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Ok it’s ,f2p" for all? O.o or f2p for overwatch 1 player? I hope that when the overwatch goes to full f2p, it will not be microtransactions straight from diablo immortal…

Btw. Symmetra have the BEST visual rework. I love this new look is so awesome! So if Queen is tank, ,Fox girl" is support or we got more hero? <: Btw. Orisa is so rude now xD that thumb down 10/10 xD So finally we got good news finally…


The music of the trailer looked very awesome!


It’s F2P for everyone, at least OW2 PvP, I figured.

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Its F2P as per PvP, pretty sure the PvE part is locked behind 40-59.99 bucks.


When are we going to know if OW and OW2 share the same account licence? I’d love to play on my main account for OW2.

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How will we know who is a smurf and who isn’t? If anything, OW2 solved that problem by removing player borders. :slightly_smiling_face:

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For free = Unlimited smurfs


I was just joking sheesh

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didnt seem like a joke to me but if so, sorry

im just extremely exhausted of this whole “ripoff” song and dance that keeps happening in between any game that looks remotely similar to eachother.

cant people enjoy both games??

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Lol @ everyone saying 2023 release date