Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

STUCK IN BRONZE 5 after 8times placement of 7wins still not ranking up
-im always highest elim and minimal death…a

Stuck in bronze 5 after multiple 7 wins. Blizzard say SOMETHING about it, why should i still play competitive?! Really sucks

I only meant comp q times.

Ouch…That hurts. I went from Bronze to Gold in this game. In OW1, I was a gold to bronze DPS lol

Twitch Kiriko skin drop not received yet

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From the begining of Overwatch 2 - my stats are missing. Everywhere it’s not showing up. I’ve played a lot of competetive games, and i’m ranked player, but all the stats are missing. Every hero have 0 minutes, and it’s all white blank page.

Does everyone know when they are gonna fix it?

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I have the exact same issue. I am quietly hoping today’s patch fixes it, but possibly I’m being too optimistic…

are you seriously saying that the 25th patch only brings back torb and bastion, and doesnt fix all the ridiculous bugs going on??? Wtf are you guys doing???


Pink Mercy or Noire are not the only skin missing. I still missing my Santa Torbjorn or Pumpkin Wrecking ball or Shrike for Ana.

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STUCK IN BRONZE 5 after 8times placement of 7wins still not ranking up
-im always highest elim and minimal death…

Are Mercy skins still missing? I only used to play mercy in OW1 and now i have no skins for her whatsoever, i think i’m missing atleast 4-5 skins for her and the golden weapon.

Anyone else STILL haven’t received their 2,000 coins from the Watchpoint Pack??
Also, are OWL tokens not showing up? I’d watched several matches last week, with zero coins awarded.

I’m not able to find a match when searching for DPS, I’ve searched for a match at least 4 time, everyday throughout this week and I haven’t found a match, i get told an 8min queue time but waited an hour to not even get in a game. I’ve uninstalled the game and reinstalled it and it still does it

I still miss the black wido skin, it’s really a bad launch, it’s starting to be long…

Yeah, every game there’s a leaver one of the sides which throws out the whole game

Same happened to me. Many legendary skins that I actually liked are now locked.
Just adding to thread for visibility.


So are people still experiencing ping spikes in game? Love the game (despite the drawbacks) but the ping spikes are making it so i just cant play.

Connection is perfectly fine but it still happens.

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5 ppl left the game in comp match, then I got DCs from “Unexpected server error” and then I got 300 people in queue ahead of you - yet another update went well.

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Still missing almost all of my xbox accounts skins and golden weapons for Hanzo, Genji and Rein. can’t even go to xbox for my cosmetics either since the merge

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Hello all! There seems to be an issue with my Overwatch Origins Edition. I put in my Overwatch 1 disc so I could play some classic 6v6, but it keeps launching overwatch 2 instead and throws me in an infinite queue. Blizzard please fix so I can play overwatch 1 again!

Still Missing Everything From OW1. This is my favorite way to lose interest in a company.

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