Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Will players who got hit with LC-208 in comp get unbanned?


Same boat and they haven’t been looking at support tickets either.

bro same issue still waiting

I have gotten kicked from the server twice “lost connection to the game server” after lagging in game- I check my internet and did general speed tests and my wifi is fine. Is this happening to anyone else?


I’ve had 3 Promotion series after the “Bronze 5 Bug Fix” and have still remained in Bronze 5 after each one. Every game I play, I duo with my friend who has now made it to Silver 2 since we started together. Back in OW1, I had never placed Bronze and averaged around high silver and low gold, with my highest rank being platinum in one season. I don’t understand why I’m still unable to climb out of this rank, and at this point i severely doubt it’s a “skill” issue on my part.


Bonsoir, a chaque session d’Overwatch 2, mon PC Blue screen (que sur les games compĂ©titives)
Avec le code d’erreur (dpc watchdog violation)
Pourtant j’ai un PC rĂ©cent.
Et je me fais donc temporairement BAN (alors que je retourne dans la game aprÚs le redémarrage de mon pc)
Et je ne bug que sur OW2, sur OW je n’ai jamais eu de PB.

Clearly not resolved because starting today I no longer have friends on my list.


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Still getting the black screen where the game video freezes. This has been happening since the launch of OW2. Only solution is to restart the game. However, it counts as me “leaving” a comp game. Even though I log back in and re join (even if we win the match), I have been unable to rank up. Gone through 21 wins and haven’t ranked up or down. I think the glitch is forcing me to quit the game, but I am getting penalized for it. PLEASE FIX THIS GLITCH. +

The LC-208 error is game breaking, really hope its addressed in tomorrows patch, because i keep not being able to play the game


Still missing Junker Queen’s golden weapon since Oct 18th

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still missing all my items and my stats and had to unlock every character

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I still don’t have access to the shop, and cannot use my legacy credits or the credits I got in the watchpoint pack. At this point it feels like Blizzard stole from me.

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 I would’ve kept my account silver border & lvl 69 if I’d known I’d be stuck a 1 star gold 86 :sob:

When will you finally acknowledge that your game still causes a BSOD when using NVIDIA Broadcast?

its been weeks and I still dont have all my skins back it is so disappointing.


STUCK IN BRONZE 5 after 8times placement of 7wins still not ranking up
-im always highest elim and minimal death

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STUCK IN BRONZE 5 after 8times placement of 7wins still not ranking up
-im always highest elim and minimal death


j’ai exactement le mĂȘme soucis !!! bloquĂ© a un rang mĂȘme en ayant fait 3x les 7 victoires je bouge pas !! Je ne peux mĂȘme plus jouer avec mon Ă©quipe avec la diff des rangs !!!

STUCK IN BRONZE 5 after 8times placement of 7wins still not ranking up
-im always highest elim and minimal death

Non c’est un beug 
bloquĂ© bronze 5 Ă©galement 
 alors que je joue en Ă©quipe et qu’il sont montĂ©s OR 
 nous ne pouvons mĂȘme plus jouer ensemble avec la diff des rangs 

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