Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

I still haven’t gotten any of my skins and I’ve had to start over again so please can this be fixed I’ve linked my account and then it says if I want to unlink and link again I have to wait 365 days, that’s a whole damn year and that’s not cool, I’ve followed all directions for getting my skins and nothing I’ve asked friends for help and still nothing, can you please sort this out it’s unbearably annoying as hell not having my gold guns and skins. Especially skins I’ve paid for.


That’s a relief, yeah I submitted a ticket a few days ago with no response but 2 weeks wow.

Impossible to relunch overwatch 1 to merge account, still impossible to play with my skins…
I’m going to uninstall

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Yeah took a while to get a non automated response that actually answered my question.

now is hoping its fixed by the time EXP weekend rolls around

Thanks, that did it for me too.

Unable to buy OW League skin. I had leftover point from OW1 and wanted to buy the Royal Knight Mercy skin and every time I try to buy it I get “the purchase failed. please try again later”.

Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didn’t talk about it.
We’d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. We’ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 servers’ shutdown.
We can wait, it’s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

I’ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if you’re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.

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Career Profile on Console is still broken.

Hero Challenges will be shown when u missed a new character. These are the challenges u need to finish then.

It has now been a full week of experiencing the login loop glitch. I’ve done everything that is suggested to try and fix it and nothing has worked. I was able to log-in just fine until I got the screen saying you’re ready to merge close your game and wait for a minute. Since then I have been stuck on the home screen. I put in a ticket and all I got back was we know its an issue. I played overwatch 1 for over 1000 hours and still love the game but that fact that there are people who haven’t be able to play since the game came out and you are more worried about nerfs and buffs baffles me. Please fix this. I haven’t played a single game.

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Still waiting for my cosmetics. They are missing since launch. I opened a ticket and blizzard is just copying and pasting automated responses. I’m not sure what to do. I paid for this content and blizzard is not helping me at all.


*I’ve only ever been on playstation and I don’t have an account merge option as it disappeared. Have content since launch of OW1


Still no merge. Account is connected to the correct xbox account. only one account. nothing from OW1 yet. My ticket was marked answered. Was told to make sure I had merged the correct account. and then It would be fixed. Wanna try again? only one account, one blizzard account, one xbox. merged. authenticator used. email verified. msm verified. I PREORDERED OW1…

in before “You havent lost anything.” gets pushed around again. I have lost it, i dont have it, that means its gone. You might find it later, but IVE def lost it.


My shop won’t pop up

Same as me played ow1 since beginning I only have 1 battle net account as have had wow for over 15 years linked Xbox account merged said completed and I have nothing lost 1000s of hours all ow1 skins since pre order all events skins and now I refuse to play ow2 until my account is fixed blizzard havnt replied to my ticket it’s been over a week


how to disable crossplay and avoid aimbot/cheaters? if not ill delete t.y.

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Hey useless idiots, its been 2 weeks and i still am playing on a completely wiped account with none of my progress and cosmetics from a previous paid game, are you not ashamed of yourselves? isn’t it embarassing?


Same here 1000s of hours and all skins and stats gone :sob: been waiting since release to be merged still nothing I’ve been so excited for ow2 now I’m gonna miss first season coz blizzard is actually trash company now gone are the days a gm would load in and fix your problem within 10 minutes and your back to enjoying the game blizzard is literal doggy doo now just gonna uninstall and go to call of duty mw2 in 4 days Atleast I might be able to enjoy the first season without 1000s of hours progress gone


Shop still unavailable. Any updates on this since Halloween is coming up and I can’t even buy anything in the Hero screen. My Coins are all missing.

Once again, I hope they fix these weird stats, they keep fluctuating and it’s annoying.

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so this is new standard for competitive ? diamonds with silvers, unranked new players in one match ? it´s just unplayable if you don´t have full own group. it makes me angry and toxic. People just trying new heroes etc. i´m playing support and having more dmg than dps players. Or as a tank more heals done than 2 healers altogether. don´t get me wrong, i´m not against new players at all, but why they playing with high ranked players ? It is some kind of social experiment ? :smiley: no words from blizz about it? before last patch it was balanced, but now its nosense. and don´t tell me i´m bad player, its team game. what can i do, if i have as support same dmg like our dps, but one enemy player did more than our tank and two dps altogether. i just want play with players on same skills and rank vs players on same skills and rank.

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