Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

IT’s ridiculous! I’m still waiting as well.

Its worst they actually copy and paste the most recent community update and NEVER answer your question. I have the exact same issue as you. And I ask myself why I am struggling so hard to get content I PAID for? Again Blizzard you are essentially stealing from the consumer. Double xp week and weapon charms does nothing for me. Just give us our damn stuff


I play very few heros, but the ones I do I put 500+ hours into, I just want them to let us know they are working on it, and not trying to sweep it under the rug…

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Been waiting since launch to play on my main but still stuck in the login loop in the main menu, constantly having to re-enter my credentials. I did opt to merge my accounts (PS4 and Xbox) to my PC when promoted in Overwatch 1 however I haven’t been able to login to OW 2 yet. Seems to be fixed for most people but I’m hoping it will be fixed for me this coming patch. Just curious if anyone else is in a similar situation.

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Crazy that still I’m dealing with missing cosmetics.


I got a message back on my ticket after 2 weeks, and the changes should be very close and are part of the LC 208 changes. so hopefully once thats all fixed we can get in

been plagued by this since day 2

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Cant play with my friend on xbox one since im on xbox series x? Seems like a bug since we have crossplay on. We played last night and it was fine

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Can some one explain to me why i cant play with my friends who are on xbox one but i can play with my friend who has a xbox series x? Just wondering if its a bug or not


What are they doing about the rubberbanding issue? Did they even notice? It makes the game unplayable for me.


Bronze 5 glitch is still going; 42 dps wins, 50% winrate but not a single shift in rank 5-4 nothing, really annoying cus im not playing bad in my games

So, is something new about the missing skins?
Almost 20 days and I don’t have my missing skins yet and nothing new about when they will be fixing that!


What happened to the people like me that lost the genji oni, and DVA police skin? i lost them since the launch of overwatch 2 and i dont see solutions anywhere, and i literally had to play heroes of the storm to get them xd


I still have no access to the shop. It’s a blank screen. I can’t use my legacy credits either. tf. at this point it feels like Blizzard stole my money, because I can’t even use the credits my money got me in the watchpoint pack.

Might as well say they’re not going to fix their game or give us our stuff back. It’s going on three weeks. They just stole from all of us. When you @ them on Twitter they give you some bs response of “submit a ticket” knowing that all of us have and say it’s a “bug”. Okay, if it’s a bug how hard is it to fix it? Sounds like they’re making excuses.


I got my Junker Queen’s Golden weapon on Oct 4th,then played for several days until Oct 18th my golden weapon was locked again and no comp points refund.
I only play on PC,so its not a problem of merge but another bug. Three days have nearly passed and no response to this.
Also,I found that few players have the same bug on the three new heros golden weapons:Junker Queen,Soujorn,and Kiriko.They are all probably been locked during this period. If you want me to prove it,I can afford you guys the screenshots with the timeline.

I still can’t log in. “Unexpected server error has occurred” on PC and LC-208 on console….


Weird thing is, tonight it worked. Think its a bug going on

My issue is my career profile is messed up and changes every other day. Also there are no hero challenges

Still experience Bronze 5 Glitch won 7/8 games twice in a row no adjustment

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Still at bronze 5 after winning most of my games and performing well. Please fix, actually losing any incentive to play the game.