Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Is there a fix for playback device always pushing to default and not saving my changes?

I don’t see blizzard addressing this in their updates. There are so many posts about inaccurate comp points and idk why they won’t just list it as known issues and fix it later. Literally a stupid event skin is up there

Arf, guess i’m the lucky one here.

Good luck to you all guys, hope you’ll get some help too.


لقد تم ربط حسابي ps4 وتم دمجه باليوم الاول ولاكن للاسف تم تعطيله وتصفيره
الكمبيوتر الشخصي : اتصال موافق ، دمج الحساب في قائمة الانتظار ، إغلاق وإعادة فتح اللعبة ==> تعطل اتمنئ حل المشكله :cry:

I’ve only played on PlayStation and I’ve disconnected it plenty of times. I just think blizzard should actually address it fix it :frowning:

Same boat as you HikaruPink, except on the Xbox side of things. I’ve only ever played on Xbox, never on any other consoles. I only recently downloaded on PC to see if I could log in by PC, but that didn’t work either.

Hoping to play by the time the Halloween Event gets here.

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I just want my hero hours back at this point so I don’t feel like I wasted all my time.


Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didn’t talk about it.
We’d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. We’ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 servers’ shutdown.
We can wait, it’s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

I’ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if you’re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.

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All of my items and history and progress including the watchpoint pack just have been removed after I merged my account!


I still can’t see the account merge thing on my screen. I don’t have my skins or battle pass that was on my Xbox since I tried to merge my accounts.


Game found - > Suspension

Game not loading after “Game found” and leads to Game suspension, lost several games and hours. Thanks in advance


I am BEGGING the community to help me at this point as Blizzard Customer Service said “We do not handle this issue.” Ever since Day 1, after my first log-in on PC, I have not been able to log into my accounts. I tried to merge accounts with my PlayStation account and then it locked both accounts out. PS5 gives me the L-208 error and PC keeps forcing me back to the login screen. Both usernames and passwords are correct. The frustrating part is I have hundreds of dollars of cosmetics on both accounts, and I am unable to play with either. The only way I have been unable to play is to start a brand-new account from, scratch. It’s been 3 weeks and I have not been able to play on my main accounts.

Any ideas or assistance would be amazing.

NOTE: I have tried disconnecting my PlayStation account to my Steam/Blizzard account and that has not worked.

Thank you,


Game found → Suspension
Game not loading after “Game found” and leads to Game suspension, lost several games and hours. Thanks in advance

Very large imbalance between teams in games. It is very notorious.


Unable to buy OW League skin. I had leftover point from OW1 and wanted to buy the Royal Knight Mercy skin and every time I try to buy it I get “the purchase failed. please try again later”. Only “fix” I found was to log out and in again.

Competitive games not appearing on statistics on PC.
Only when i play on my switch, it updates ( it only adds matches played on switch )
My pc matches are not adding to my stats.

Plz can someone tell me why i don’t have all of my skins from my Playtation account and my PC account ? I wait like since the early game of OV2


Is the bug throwing people in B5 and making them stuck there a known bug or is it normal that it akes 14 wins to get out of B5 even if last season you were mid gold?

Anyone else having an issue with their rank not updating after winning 7 ranked games? I’ve “ranked up” 5 times now and my rank has not changed from Bronze 5, which was a bug early on with people being placed too low. However my friends have since ranked up and been given the proper placement, while I continue to rank up and remain in Bronze 5. I don’t see this issue listed above.

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Still waiting for my cosmetics. They are missing since launch. I opened a ticket and blizzard is just copying and pasting automated responses. I’m not sure what to do. I paid for this content and blizzard is not helping me at all. Any advice on what I should do?


*I’ve only ever been on playstation and I don’t have an account merge option as it disappeared. Have content since launch of OW1