Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Seriously, lost nearly 300 hours and equivalent stats. Don’t understand what could possibly cause that.

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Day 9 of still playing on a completely wiped account with none of my stats/items from OW1

is the “Overwatch Team” they speak of consisting of a singular monkey in a cage banging his head against the wall or what?


Seriously, can we do something about the Ping? It’s ONLY this game

Overwatch support says there is currently no work around for people who bought the watchpoint pack prior to launch because of the beta. We all were expecting the perks from launch!! It’s now 10 days on with no change, I suggest blizzard refund people who bought the watchpoint pack back in June so we can purchase it again. Seems like a perfect work around!! I’m certainly not going to purchase something I’ve already paid money for again, it almost sounds like a breach of consumer rights act to me

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There are many people, including me, who are having a problem of the skin of Kiriko “Sukajan”, do not appear in the inventory even after watching the lives and rescue, pay attention to this problem plssss


Can you please fix this game on xbox already in middle of game oh wait get an achievement instant boot out of game. ALSO your match making SUCKS you sit in queue and it puts you in a game on overtime which ends soon as you pick your character level up blizzard

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Okey so I was plat 3 on open queue won 7 games was not near 20 losses but what happens then we’ll I get plat 4 how is this even possible like it should not be possible I should not get de-ranked please help like why and how

I have been noticing a marked increase in headshots and it seems in general the hitbox is bigger than it used to be. Not sure if this is a known issue, I didn’t see anything about it. Just my observation as a long time OW player.

Got disconnected by your game server 2 times in comp. Got issue LC-208 on console but my internet is fine. Will I get banned if I disconnect because of game servers one more time? Can I appeal for a comp unban if i get banned by these issues?

Can you guys remove leavers penalty because of LC-208 ? I have to wait 55 minutes to play when I didn’t even do anything.


Still in that same boat. This is infuriating since they want us to play daily and I can’t see what’s going on due to people rubberbanding.

They just keep replying to tweets that praise them or whatever and refuse to be transparent about any fixes

I take it servers are still experiencing issues as i played two comp games earlier tonight and in both games i had two people leaving/disconnecting and as a result we lost both games due to us being 3v5 hopefully you guys have a look at it as my overall experience with comp has been pretty negative played like 6 games sitting with like 2 wins and lost a few due to server issues that people get removed at this point i might as well stick to arcade and QP or just wait for the game to be fully operational.

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Seriously… It’s not even listed as a known bug yet. Still no battle pass a week and a half after launch!

Does anyone know about the weekly challenges of doing damage, healing, and mitigating damage not properly tracking? Going through a normal qp or comp game won’t track any stats. Sometimes only one will track and if I enter a death match or skirmish, progress will reset.

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I found a post that claims all the stats from quickplay from before role queue was added was what disappeared


So here we are, 10 days after release, AND THEY STILL DIDN’T FIXED XBOX ACHIEVEMENT GLITCH. Absolutely ridiculous.


We want OW1 back and NOT FREE TO PLAY !!!


My shop has not reset. i have waited atleast 3 shops and i have gotten the same “Just for you” shop every time. can i please get help? Thank you!

Anyone else having things not count for challenges


my client updated a while ago, so i thought it fixed it, but “Best Defense” Weekly challenge is still broken despite a lot of people having the same issue, and there are only 3 days left to complete the weekly challenges. It’s not even in the known bugs notes. Any acknowledgement of the issue and how it will be handled would be appreciated.


aint no way you are worried about a weekly challenge rn the battle pass isn’t going any where lmao