Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

i dont even have an option to merge account im a PC only player so what the hell am i supposed to do?

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  • Bronze V Bug: Once placed Bronze V after 7 wins placed in the same rank.

  • Competitive Rank Up/De-rank Bug: Players experiencing after 7 wins their account showing a lower rank and ranking up. For example a Gold player after 7 wins seeing Silver IV to Silver I climb and their new rank is Silver I.

I am STILL having the rubberbanding issue. They refuse to acknowledge it and my tweets to them have gone unanswered. I literally cannot play because everyone is flying around

It says confirmed me for me, but it keeps looping to the queue. What do I do?

i cant put my headphones as a mic so i cant give any comms

When folks type in chat (Xbox One) it automatically crashes my game. Upon reopening, I am given the LC-208 error and it does not go away until the match is over. I actively try to rejoin.
It is not my internet. It is not my Xbox. My partner is playing on the same connection and in my party and does not have this issue. We played a ranked match where no text was used in the chat and I was able to complete the match. It’s only when folks type in chat. Unfortunately, I no longer have the opportunity to turn off chat to see if that will help, as I have now been banned from S1 of comp.

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why u take our lootboxes and level system… like cmon guys way to beat around the bush and straight up let us know that you’re money hungry.

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When are y’all going to get off your lazy behinds and fix the darn latency spikes! It’s ruining the gameplay, practically unplayable!

Yes! Same here! The thing is pretty much unplayable because I can’t properly play without being automatically placed back and forth, and don’t even get me started on the funky walking animation that resulted from the latency spikes. Blizz needs to get their ish together and FIX IT!

Gg, now my accounts got merged and got all of my stuff from OW1 after I uninstall and reinstall the game. Thanks Spideyboss.

Career profile still not updating on PS5. Is this a known issue at Blizzard? I don’t see anything mentioning this from Blizzard. But lots of players experience this issue.


Same thing,stats not updating,do something blizzard Jesus christ


My career profile stats are also incorrect, they are actually going backwards. Play time both total and on certain heroes is being taken away. Very annoying


Blizzard I still can’t merge my account


Fix the kiriko achievements, nobody can unlock the cute or Pixel sprays

Career Profile not updating on Xbox Series X. Please fix this already!

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Still recieving the login error of lc-208 tried disconnecting and reconnecting my battle net account and uninstalled and reinstalled it aswell twice nothing is working on the Xbox series x

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Kiriko yokai achievement for the cute spray still doesn’t work

Ive been disconnected from 2 comp games because i got an achievement my and have received a total of 1 hr 15 min of ban time, i was not able to rejoin, i wasnt even able to get back into the main menu untill the game i was in is over (i know this because my teammates told me when the game was done). Please ive been stuck in bronze 5 because of this. Happened twice in quick play too.

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Apart from the first couple of days, I’m still dealing with that “Playing Now” bug where it won’t go past the battle.net screen but pretends I am playing. The usual workarounds don’t even work today after the most recent update.