Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Good for you, can’t play.

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Finally got in to a game and it didn’t have massive ping, instead I got a server error and game closed about 40 seconds in :disappointed:

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Same here, i could get into QP, but no practice range, still no Kiriko skin from the Twitch drops, got the voiceline, been 5 days now. Whole game (even menus) is slow and buggy since the update, worked fine before. And i have 1GB up/down internet and a high-end PC, so it’s not on me.

They still haven’t addressed the missing Noire Widowmaker skin…


It does say “Account Changed”

Fix LC-202 and LC-208! Console players are constantly getting these errors and being kicked out for like 5 minutes which is causing UNJUST competitive bans. Even when we try to join back it doesn’t let us please focus on making the game actually playable! We can’t even play comp anymore without fear of getting banned for the season!


Weekly challenge didn’t track progress is still there. Not fix and people are getting angry.

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I take that back it was changed to confirm and it’s still queueing me

Man you guys really bombed this launch. Now all competitive ranks are screwed? So were getting the ‘chance’ at boosted ranking after 7 wins? Did you have anything in place before you rolled out this trash mat?

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Maybe add a few more 30$ skins to please the community <3


I still didn’t get my founder’s pack. Does anyone have the same issue?


Here’s a tip for you to fix that fn Bronze 5 placement bug that is a billion times better than your “chance of getting boosted a bit after 7 more wins” - bs without provoking your dearly precious top 500 pros and streamer stars.
Let every single one of us that now are stuck in this s-hole get the option to wipe our MMR, one, single time. Put us all in a pool together and give us fresh MMR after say 20-30 games.
This way, your very most precious pros and promoters won’t be affected if they don’t want to and the 80% of rest of us actually get a chance to do something in competitive that doesn’t involve an uphill grind for no reason.

they rolled out an update today that should have fixed the issue

Please fix the achievement bug on xbox, when I win an achievement the game disconnects, and it messes up the whole experience, it’s been like this since launch, you guys didn’t even try to fix it or put it in the bug list, please I beg you a solution.


Every time i get an achievement on xbox I am immediately returned to the main menu. This happens for every achievement, every time. This is a widespread issue for Xbox players that im seeing all over reddit but it is not listed in the known issues here. Please fix this issue. Thank you


What about freezing screen in middle of a match for precessors i3? you fix it?

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HAHA to add insult to injury not only is my account wiped of every bit of OW1 progress but now im getting a very comfy 300 ping MS in my queues

joke of a company

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I wanna know about the founders pack why i do not have it if i play since 2020?

Hey guys who are still pissed off at Blizzard. I was pissed off for a while just like you since I didnt have my account transfer for like a week but today it finally came back. Best I can say is wait it out. If it says “account changed” when confirming accounts you have to wait for an update from Blizzard. If it says “confirmed” then wait until you get past the queue. If it doesn’t work reinstall it and then go back in. Worked for me. Good luck guys hope you get everything back and running smoothly and enjoy the game.

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Getting an error to update. Update but says woops and never updates