Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Or maybe he was the culprit of the alleged DDoS attacks :joy:


The key word: ā€œAllegedā€


i was able to unlink and relink it on 3 different accounts and now its just not working, surely it would tell me if i had to wait a year haha and even when i tried relinking my old account, which i should be able to do, exact same error

maybe it has something to do with the removal of the SMS Protection


im still getting the old error code


Back to LC-208 on console.


Iā€™m honestly so shocked there has been no update whatsoever from blizzard or that they havenā€™t even attempted more scheduled maintenance or just shutdown the servers for everyone


Almost 24h and no answersā€¦ no maintenance scheduleā€¦ nothingā€¦

They donā€™t care since itā€™s the weekend.


i tried submitting a ticket and it directed me here x) i feel like i am the only one with the issue tho haha so maybe i do have to wait a year to play on a fresh ow account 0-0

Everything merged fine and I was able to play the last few days until this ā€œupdateā€. Now error LC-208 while my partner can login fine. How can I request an Xbox refund for Watchpoint? Itā€™s absolutely ridiculous to pay for something completely broken. I mean if you canā€™t access the things you paid for, it has to follow some sort of terms and conditions.


how is this not fixed yet lmaoooooo


An update would be nice.


Canā€™t wait for an update from the overwatch team in a week, still canā€™t log on pc, havenā€™t received my watchpoint pack. One of the worst launches in recent memory.


i guess iā€™m just confuzed coz like, why was it working for a few days :sob: how did they manage to undo the patch that fixed it


still getting the unexpected server errorā€¦


At a minimum.

Manage expectations, Blizzard.

Keeping us in the dark isnā€™t resolving the problem any sooner.


My older brother was able to play on his ps4 but I am not.

i just want to know, when i am going to have back all my skins and process into the game -.-

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3 bugs Iā€™ve seen:

  • Sombra ā€œhackingā€ potg will play backwards with the incorrect names
    ā€“ i.e. Enemy sombra had my name and played their highlight intro first, then cut to my highlight intro with sombraā€™s name
    ā€“ If itā€™s relevant, I was junker queen
  • Unsure what caused it, but my screen had a blurry effect after character selection in deathmatch before a match, which persisted into the match.
    ā€“ When selecting characters in the unranked game, the character selection animation was also blurry
    ā€“ The rest of the UI was fine
    ā€“ Restarting the game (exiting to desktop) fixed it
  • Weekly challenge is super bugged
    ā€“ I have the damage challenge (125,000), and it one point it had 101,000, but later it had 25000, and now it has less that 10000
    ā€“ This also happened on healing, which I only have 13 (I typically main support)

Sill experiencing unexpected server error and canā€™t log in to the game, Iā€™m pretty irritated about that because Iā€™m 1 of maybe 100 other people that canā€™t get in and I was able to play since the game launched and since the latest patch or whatever you guys did to the server I now canā€™t even get in to play this is ridiculous. Iā€™m currently stuck in the loop for queuing to get in and after it reaches 0 its says server error. Please for the love of god fix this nonsense been playing overwatch since the first and now i really donā€™t even want to play it anymore because of these problems. I expect this to be fixed within 2 or 3 days focus on having people be able to log in and figure the cosmetics and everything else later. :roll_eyes: