Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

I would love to play at least


PLEASE FIX LC-208!!! I would love to play but I canā€™t!!


Canā€™t login on pc or xbox, this company canā€™t do anything right this launch. Also refund my account for the money I payed for Overwatch 1 because not even being able to go back and play a functioning version of the game that you paid for is hilariously stupid. Money hungry company that has been dropping the ball on every new release recently just give us the old version of the game that actually works. Iā€™ll come back to ow2 when you fix your game.

at least you can play the game mate.


Is there news about the situation of the Watchpoint Pack that is not being applied?

Because although they have already given news about the LC-208 error, we are still waiting for news about the benefits that we pay and that we have not yet received

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my guy, fix the fooking errors i would like to play the game. :smiley:


I am losing controller connection on Xbox Series X. Using Elite 2ā€™s. Have tried two different controllers and it happens on both. Headset is also plugged in.
This does not happen on other games.

I donā€™t even have my watch point pack at all. And missing legendary event skins.

This LC-208 weekend is crazy, no addressing the situation post maintenance, my account just got merged after waiting 24 hrs just for me to not be able to play this weekend, this launch is so horrible and depressing at this point. Itā€™s like why be optimistic that Iā€™ma play Overwatch 2 when Blizzardā€™s community response during launch week is goofy.


FIX LC-208 and pc login issues


And Iā€™m on ps5 with both versions of the game saying LC-208, Iā€™m thinking Blizzard just doesnā€™t care and are waiting for the patch next week to do a big update like nah this problem isnā€™t something to be put off to the side like that


I didnā€™t get a skin for Kiriko, everyone got it, and Iā€™m sitting waiting. A day has passed and where?

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same hereā€¦ i have uninstall reinstall flush release renew and flush ip i have restarted router i have checked for scan and repairā€¦ its getting ridiculousā€¦

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I purchased OverWatch Coins from PlayStation Store, yet havenā€™t received in game. Whatā€™s the issue?

Itā€™s a long list, unfortunately

LC-208 for the last 24 hours.


(post deleted by author)

SAME, the lc-208 started to occur right after I purchased the overwatch coins.


I got all of my rewards from the watchpoint pack bundle except for my 20 tiers, is this an issue someone else has?

Today? Or youā€™ve had it for awhile