Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Same, noticed my brother got it as soon as an achievement on Xbox was unlocked. The one to get the widow pixel spray :upside_down_face:. Now both our accounts canā€™t log in. Hope they fix this soon, itā€™s irritating.

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Still waiting about info of the career profile changing hours issues. 2 days ago i send a ticket still no response !!!

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Just like launch, i can play on a fresh account but not my merged account. I would just love for blizzard to acknowledge they had the game working fine BEFORE maintenance last night


Could play fine since launch on PS5, all accounts had merged and worked well. Now since the latest maintenance/update I cannot get in to play due to the LC-208 issue.

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Also getting the lc-208 error all day today, while i was able to play just fine yesterday before their last maintenance. :upside_down_face:

Meanwhile my bf is playing on his system right next to me no problem :sob:
So i know its not my router/connection. Regardless, i still tried restarting it, but it did nothing.

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I got a sombra play of the game isure
Is like switched.

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Give us a damn update.


same happened to me in comp and now im suspended. trash

are you even doing something ?? still cant get in ??? never saw such a bad company as you Blizzard !!! i will call sony tommorow to get my money back which i use on the ps store to get the useless WATCHPOINT- PAKET !!!

On a scale of Fallout76 to Cyberpunk2077 of AAA Launch failureā€¦ where does OW2 rank?

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Worse than Cyberpunk really, Cyberpunk was buggy as all hell, but at least you could load up and experience the bugs.


This release puts Overwatch 2 in its own category of failure. Nothing they say or do now will change that. This is officially the worst gaming release of all time lol


The game is just ā€˜substanceā€™ nothing more, itā€™s like boneless wings at Buffalo Wild Wings.

Just wanna hangout with friends and consume this garbage.

Time to lay in bed like a mama sow piggy.


It has been days and I am still yet to get past the title screen. Iv tried redownloading, different platforms, resetting my connections and yet Iā€™m still met with (LC-208) error code or (Unexpected Server Error). Iā€™m highly disappointed and would love to get past this problem. If thereā€™s any help you could provide it would be appreciated or at least bring back OW1

They said the fixed the lc 208 error that was a lie


This is the reward for 0 contend in the past 4 years in OW1ā€¦
They cant (or they do not want) to fix such a simplistic problem.
So sad and disappointing from such a company. They are not even able to communicate with the community!


Hi, for some reason, after the maintenance on the 7th, I received the LC-208 error again. I went through and redid the recommended troubleshooting, and it has not helped. Iā€™m confused about why this is happening after it had worked for a couple of days before the maintenance. Can someone help me fix it or at least understand why?


no one understands ā€¦only Blizzard do XD


LC 208 error on PS4 literally have not been able to play the game since last nights patch. Tried all recommended fixes with no luck.

Still unable to launch the game and still radio silence from the devs. Hope they are enjoying their weekend I guess.