Are you allowed to have an alt account?

I just want to know- how aceptable is it to have an alt account that is not used for smurfing? Are there any specific policys on this?

Yes you can, you are even allowed to smurf too.



As long as you don’t throw.



There’s no problem with having an alt despite what the forums might tell you.


Yes… I got 2 of them… They’re kinda useless right now because of role queue but sometimes I feel like my main is cursed with a lose streak and I go to my alt


ill never get one, i rather buy some beer or another game than waste my money on another account. i dont take my rank that seriously :smile:


You can, but I advise against it. It ruins the game because it craps up the matchmaking and smurfs are absolutely hated for that.


this should answer it


I don’t like Smurfs, but I’m fine with alt accounts.
They can be useful.

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Yes. I mean regardless of the smurfing issue, there has been no rules against having alt accs.

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There is no rule against having alt accounts.

You can have 2 , 3 , 10 alt accounts and you wouldn’t be breaking any rules.

What IS against the rules however is creating these alt accounts to “throw” in comp, that is unacceptable and punishable by the devs.


People will hate you but no there is no rule against it.

They don’t enforce this part very much i see many many people doing unranked to gm and no punishment so this one is indeed a gray area

To give a more concrete answer that goes beyond my statement. Here is are two key portions of the Blizzard End User License Agreement.

In short, any accounts must be under your own name, but you can have multiple accounts.


Wyoming covered it nicely

Yes. You are allowed to have another account.

What you quoted from my original post is more of my personal opinion. Again, I think the idea of specifically starting an account and playing in a compromised way is fair for other players, but it still comes down to whether the person in question is actually committing gameplay sabotage or not. This is why it is important to report players, and if they are disruptive across all of their games, Blizzard will take action.

So, I would put the same name I put for my main? (this one)

Ah thank you for explaining i didnt mean any disrespect (If it came off like that) btw i was just saying it is a bit of a weird situation.

You got money? You can have as many accounts as you want.