Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

Lets boycott the game until they decide to fix all their major issues. That simply means
Do not buy anything until they can learn about what the word “transparent” means with their consumers/players. None of us are forced to play their game, but when sales go down they can only blame themselves for their failure.

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Why are our legacy credits disappearing!!?!?!?!


Can we get a comment from the devs regarding the Ice Wall ability not blocking enemies or damage? The community really needs a comment on this. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/meis-ice-wall-is-broken-video-examples/716882

same, completely wiped account and its been a month almost now

sooo i found a way to get into the game…

all i had to do was create a brand new battle.net account and start all over again (for the 3rd time)

Daily reminder to our friends at Blizzard, since you still didn’t talk about it.
We’d like to get our T500 rewards, we grinded for them after all and what happened is clearly a bug, probably related to the changes made to Ranked in OW2. We’ve got proof (screenshots, videos) that we were still in T500 when Ranked got locked ~40 minutes before OW1 servers’ shutdown.
We can wait, it’s fine, we just want you to acknowledge this issue.

I’ll keep posting this daily until we hear from you guys, and I encourage everyone else affected by this (or even if you’re not affected and just wanna help some fellow OW players) to do the same.

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Thanks Akiyama for addressing this as well. OW2 is quite literally a meme in itself! Just wished they had taken the proper steps or waited a few weeks to get all the kinks sorted out before it went live. Maybe just maybe if they did that, we wouldn’t be in this particular mess to begin with.

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Except some of us that duo queue get the same result. I’m playing with my friend, and this is his first time he’s ever played overwatch. I played the original since release and bounced between gold and silver, with my highest rank ever being plat. Anyways, I helped him grind through Quick Play games so we can hop into ranked and have played every game together since. I placed Bronze 5, he placed Bronze 3. We continue to play all of our games together and as of today, he is Gold 5 and I am still Bronze 5. I assure you that “if” he’s seen as a more skilled player than me by the system, it isn’t by such a ridiculous margin that he climbs and I don’t. We quite literally have the exact same number of games and win count. The bug either still exists, or the system is designed so poorly that New Players are incredibly favored over Old ones.


PC configurations on Playstation is still an issue that has not been acknowledged. PC-Controlls forced on login (Console)

I beg you look into the LC208 issue with console players that you caused yesterday with the haloween update. I will summarise, various console players, seemingly at random, have had access to the game completely removed by a 100% consistent lc208 error message every single time they log into the game. This wasnt the case pre update. There is no fix for this currently from consumer end, internet resets console resets uninstalling and reinstalling the game nothing works. So frustrating blizzard would do this.


100% positive it’s their way of shutting out the Xbox Series S and old gen players. They complained to Microsoft to remove support for series s and were told to bite it.

nah you can just create a new battle.net account and you’ll log right in no problems at all

QP match making is still absolute trash even after my stats started tracking correctly. I’ll play games in arcade with high Plat - mid Diamond players with minimum 2 star bronze portrait level and really enjoy myself, then go to QP to complete challenges and get stuck with a team of 4 people in the FTUE or Bronze/Silver players.

Are you prioritising queue times over enjoyment, or trying to artificially pull people to a 50% win/loss ratio? Either way, it’s ruining the game. I still feel like I can’t even go to ranked right now as people are still complaining about bugged SR after your supposed fix.

Idk what to do anymore. I’ve won 7 games straight twice and my rank hasn’t changed. My game level is still showing OW1 rank. It’s showing I haven’t completed any comp games at all. I’ve tried to contact support. I put in 3 tickets. It’s been 4 days. Im done. Fix this crap please.


I’m still missing my stuff as well. Hundreds of hours of grinding loot boxes for skins, lost. I really don’t care about it that much, but it gave me a little confidence boost playing with my gold weapons. I know it doesn’t affect game play, but it always gave me a smile.
I got this response on the ticket I submitted yesterday:
"Thank you for taking the time to reach out to Blizzard Customer Support.

We understand that missing items (emoji’s, skins, etc) ingame is never a good feeling and our Overwatch team is working tirelessly in fixing the remaining issues that still persist during launch. Work continues still on fixing the missing skins and when this is fixed, the skins should magically reappear for those that have unlocked the skin."


Same for me as well. Idk what to do anymore. I’ve won 7 games straight twice and my rank hasn’t changed. My game level is still showing OW1 rank. It’s showing I haven’t completed any comp games at all. I’ve tried to contact support. I put in 3 tickets. It’s been 4 days. Im done. Fix this crap Blizzard

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It’s not just console. Blizzard doesn’t care about anyone regardless which platform you use.

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So this was posted the other day Addressing Career Profile Stats for Console Players

Its nice to see that this bug was fixed(i tested on my xbox account to see if it was recording stats correctly and they were) but i have some questions if anyone at blizzard(or anyone with info can answer). My issue is a little different then what is discussed in this thread i linked.

So background on my issue is i normally play on PC but have an xbox one s. I linked both accounts but during the time period outlined in the thread i posted above instead of my stats being reset my stats were being duplicated for that hero in whatever game mode i was playing(I.E my QP mercy hours were 70 then doubled to 140 after the game)

In the linked thread, it does say " Unfortunately, due to the nature of this bug, any stats from matches played since October 4 through October 18, 2022 will not be recoverable and will not be reflected in your current career profile. Here are a few questions and answers to understand how this will affect players." however my stats were not reset just recorded wrong. Is my account essentially stuck like this or are my stats going to be able to be corrected? Im ok with everything being reset to how it was pre ow2 patch however i would like my stats fixed at some point to reflect accuracy. I understand this is not a major issue and does not effect play-ability however, its rare that a game gives us so much information as overwatch and i like my stats to be reflected correctly.

If anyone, preferably blizzard employee with knowledge on the situation can comment and shed more light on this situation i would appreciate that.

i got the same thing from them


People are saying that the career profile is fixed and is updating stats, however I still have half of the issue. I am mainly a PS5 player for OW2, but now and then I play on PC so I linked the accounts because I had so many skins and characters from OW. Whenever I play on PC im 99% sure the stat tracking is fine, but when I play on console my hours don’t get counted. I already have 50 hours on console and only like 2 on PC so it’s really annoying that my stats haven’t been counted. Does anyone else have this? Hopefully it’s fixed soon.