Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 25, 2022

I still can’t login in the game, neither in ps5 (in which the lc-208 error appears) noir in pc (where i get asked to login with emai and password over and over again), i imagine it happens because of the merge i did before overwatch 2 launched (in fact i never played on pc prior to the launch, since i only had the game for ps4/ps5, so maybe trying to login first on pc caused issues)
i’m positive this isn’t an installation or network problem, since i managed to get in the game once in pc on the wednesday’s morning, also i created a new account yesterday to test if it would work (i found here that it’s allowed, but if it isn’t i will gladly delete it) and have been playing with it normally while this issue doesn’t get fixed, i have no idea of what is happening but i really wish i could play in my usual account (this one) from over 1 with my cosmetics, ranks and friends :frowning:

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