Overwatch 2 disconnection followed by suspension

So, they said they fixed this, but its still happening lol. Ive been disconnected 8 times since yesterday. Just had a game where 2 ppl disconnected followed by me getting disconnected as well and when I tried to rejoin, the match was just gone like it never existed lol, now I have an 8 hour ban from ranked, sweet.

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I am a spanish speaker, sorry for my English, but i have the same problem, the game quit me in the half of the match and on the pick of characters, i supose this was the fault of my conexion but that wasnā€™t, the problem in other games never happend, I been banned all of the season for the fault of the game literally

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I just had this happen but my story is a bit different. Me and my team just won the game, and i see the page where it shows your games won and it popped up there, but immediately after that i get disconnected from the servers and get a suspension for 15 minutes. The game was literally over and done. So im not sure how or why I got that treatment but i did and its not right.

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Same here its really unfair because you not only lose the match, you get suspended then it will affect the rank that you get

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Gonna roll the dice with competitive again now that COD is out. If I canā€™t play OW at least I have a back up. Wish me luck.

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The same exact thing happened to me! I even tested my internet connection and latency! It was fine , more than fine really!..

Now I have to wait a month to play?

Blizzard really needs to focus on these kinds of issues ā€¦ eventually they will lose their community of players because we canā€™t even play a competitive game without some kind server bug failure kicking me out mid-comp game ā€¦


This happened to me almost every two days.
And today, it happens again, this time it suspends me for 1 hour, not just 15 minutes as before. Iā€™m afraid of losing connnection again and being banned for the whole season. Iā€™m a comp fan. I played about 400 matches in this season, and just unlock Kirikoā€™s golden weapon. I donā€™t like to play unrank games, plz Blizz donā€™t suspended me when your server is still bugged.

Iā€™m quite sure this disconnnection is not because of my internet, 'cause I was listening to twitch in the background, and it didnā€™t stopped when I was kicked out of the match.
Besides, I canā€™t re-join the game after I re-connect like OW1. Instead, it kicked my group member out of the camp as soon as I re-connect and auto-join the group. Neither of us had a re-join button in main menu to click, but the match is definately not over yet.


This is what just happened to me. Countdown was going down, everything froze, home screen said connection lost due to server, now I am suspended for 15 minutes.


Not PS but on PC! Happened to me


Happened to me too on PC. Was well into the game, winning, and suddenly kicked from the match without the option to rejoin. Got the 15 minute suspension but my internet wasnā€™t the problem, I was streaming youtube on my tv at the same time with no lag or disconnect.


Can someone PLEASE send a link to where I can appeal these ridiculous suspensions - as Blizzard seems to bury where to find the support ticket function.

TWICE today, I was well into games, especially we were going to win and I got booted from the games. One only managed to rejoin and we immediately lost due to the time lapsed and the other game there was NO option to rejoin leading to 15 mins suspension. Everything else was working on my computer for internet connection.

I donā€™t know whether I should even play comp until Blizzard sorts this out because itā€™s not my fault the servers or launcher is buggy and could result in a ban or more penalties for no reason.

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where and how did you appeal this? I cannot find WHERE to file a ticket and I dont want to get an arbitrary longer suspension or ban because of their bugs

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This happened to me, the game suddenly lost connection (my internet is fine btw) and I clicked rejoin match it did not work and banned me for 15 min :{

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they literally need to fix or just change their servers because itā€™s trash!! I literally got kicked from 2 matches back to back and I canā€™t even connect to battlenet at all on the second one


Been in two lobbies where the servers have disconnected multiple people. Iā€™ve been disconnected in one of them right before the game ends and then I get a suspended for what? Iā€™ve got no connection issue on my end I was in a discord call in the background.


The exact same happened to me, server finds a game, then just DOESNT load me into it, proceeds to crash andni get banned


Yup, just happened to me for 3 games in 2 days and now i am suspended for 8 hours because of their trash servers LOL


Just like me, I select the Hero run out of Base, then I am thrown into the main menu and can no longer join the match, also get suspended for this.


I got disconnected suddenly during rank games, 2 times within 1hr. Kinda stressing me and my team.


Just happened to me and another friend while we were 5 queing, thanks Blizzard just wanted to have fun with my friends.