Overwatch 2 disconnection followed by suspension

Same I was in a comp game with a friend and we both got disconnected from the sever (WE are in EU) at the same time so we know it wasn’t from our own internet connections. Takes a few minutes to reconnect and by the Time we are back the game is over, it counts as a loss and we are suspended for 15 min. Blizzard needs to either get decent servers, because for now they are somehow worse than in ow1, or find a day to differenciate between disconnection from server and leavers. Because at this point it makes playing comp worthless cause you could get a loss at any point because they can’t get their sh*t together, even thought i should be used to their incompetence by now it’s still unacceptable. The game becoming free isn’t an excuse to ditch proper maintenance.

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Same thing just happened to me. I was playing dva until I disconnected and now I’m suspended for 15 minutes.

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And of course they still ignore the issue. :-1:t2::-1:t2:

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I’m tired i have been sending messages to blizzard support on tweeter but still no answer :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just noticed because of the situation that happened I have a “game leave: x” when I ranked up >.> will be fun if this ends up with a season ban

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My ban is gone as well. My game has not crashed or got disconnected since I did what I said in recent posts. Have you guys tried that before going into competitive??.. I seriously have not had 1 issue since I did that… and my game would disconnect and it would full out crash every 2 games. Worth a try.

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Same thing happened to me. It’s my 2nd time to get disconnected late-game even if the internet on my end is fine. I’m on an hour suspension already. I can’t rejoin the game also even if it’s within a minute. I see Connection found with a check mark above and my team chat while in menu, but the game just doesn’t let me get in the match. It has been very frustrating already waiting as I only have several hours of free time in a day and I can’t even play competitive when I want to. Blizzard please fix this. This is not a client issue. It’s a server issue, and we are being penalized for your shortcomings.


the same thing happened to me today 3 times in a row getting disconnected then insta suspended for unstable sever in comp


Seriously, this is such a huge issue. I’m on PS4 and after every update (started with the one on the 13th, now again with the Halloween update) I will be disconnected from every game I queue into with a LC-202 or LC-208 error message. I lost my endorsement level because of this even though I literally never willingly leave games

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I wrote a ticket to blizzard regarding the issue and they literally said something about its in terms of agreement if I dc, it get small ban… my internet is fine and i get dc mid game sometimes before game even starts… Sometimes when I try to join in I can see the chat get upset because apparantly it says im joining and rejoining several times.

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Found an amazing solution, so far it’s working for me personally and this is for pc IP Release, Renew, and Flush DNS - Blizzard Support

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Same i keep getting kicked from server and got suspended and it counts against me for ranking also.

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I have steps to fix the issue which has worked for me in this thread- it’s older post so you gotta scroll up a bit… but I have not had the game crash or disconnect me in over a week since doing the steps I mentioned earlier. Let me know if it works for you guys. (Ps4-ps5) fix, not sure if Xbox has a safe mode.

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I’m so mad. This has happened to me twice now, once when I first booted up the game. It just happened again and I was on a 9 win streak. Typical. I play PC.

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Hi! This just happened to me. A little different, though. Was playing a comp game on PS4, going pretty well. Was anticipating a win. All of a sudden, screen went black and PS4 had crashed and was rebooting. Idk if it’s dying or if was a fault with the game? Never done it before, not even with OW1. When it came back on, the option to rejoin match disappeared, and I got a suspension. Would at least like the chance to rejoin the game.

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I just had the same issue, and I got disconnected no indication of bad service… PS was still connected to internet and I got kicked… then I was slapped with a 10-15 minute suspension… big slap in the face especially when I was playing so good if you ask me…. comment from Blizzard on this please???

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The servers are working fine, but my power went out for a second, and I got back onto overwatch within 2 minutes. Once I was on, I was not given the option to rejoin the match. I’ve seen people leave and rejoin matches while also taking more than 2 minutes in between.


I was just playing, my internet is working perfectly fine (I play PC), and this is probably the fourth time I’ve been kicked from a comp match since release. So not only is the ranking broken but it doesn’t even matter because the game is literally forcing me to lose. Plus, now I’m stuck with a 15-minute comp suspension and I’m probably going to be demoted in rank.

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I literally got a seven hour ban for getting kicked out of games despite my internet being perfectly fine. Fix your servers. I shouldn’t be getting banned for your mistakes. Also I’m still missing my overwatch legendary editions skins and there locked for me.

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Dude this just happened to me as well. It’s so sad, everybody’s trying to have fun despite the lack of content for a “sequel” … We Can’t even play the game without getting punished by them rushing the game out the door…

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